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Do you have a strict no-shoulder policy?


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I allow both of my birds on my shoulder, my conure stays on my shoulder whenever she is out of her cage and Josey spends maybe half an hour a day there. She behaves herself and comes down when I ask her to so she has those shoulder priviledges until a time comes that I have to take it away from her.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

when out running errands with the birds I have a strict on shoulder policy ((( no fly offs __+)))) when at home or low riding shouldering is optional, not mandatory. so far all has been workking well with only the random divebombings wile out with Molly running errands. she does at least give the usuall squak and lunge signal so i can brace myself for what is about to ensue. :evil:

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pga7602 wrote:

Judy, in your previous post, you mentioned the term beak. How do u define being beaked?


I mean she will gently grab a hold of my hand or finger but with no pressure or she turns around and lightly beaks at me, it tells me she does not like it so I respect that.

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jamalbirdbiz wrote:

when out running errands with the birds I have a strict on shoulder policy ((( no fly offs __+)))) when at home or low riding shouldering is optional, not mandatory. so far all has been workking well with only the random divebombings wile out with Molly running errands. she does at least give the usuall squak and lunge signal so i can brace myself for what is about to ensue. :evil:


In my opinion....what a stressful environment for a grey, to be out doing errands. I hope they are harnessed.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

Of coarse, my greys are always harnessed when out running errands. I would never want to risk losiing Marvin grey or molly to the wind. B) Safey 1st is my mottoo around here. even clipped birds can get caught up in a gust of wind never to be seeen again and with mines being fully flighted there is no telling where they would end up. :(

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Alfie is most definitely allowed on our shoulder, her alter ego, Sid, is most definitley not!

We used to joke that she had a split personality, and the other one was calle Sid!

When Sid is out, she doesn't get on shoulders.

I'm pleased to say we haven't seen Sid for yonks!!

And Alfie doesn't touch our jewellery!! Although I don't temp her with dangley ones!

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Dayo has been shoulder riding since he was a wee 10 week old lad. :-)


Sometimes he prefers to just fly over and catch a ride to wherever we are going. Other times he will wait, watch and then fly to where we are when he feels like it.


As any Parrot, he will lightly beak the ear if your sitting on the PC for too long and not paying any attention to him. If you ignore the light beak, it will get a little firmer. If I'm busy and don't wish to interact at the time. I tell him "Just a minute" and turn my head a little. He will normally respect my request. If he persists, I shoo him off with my hand.


I must say though, that when he was very young, he would at times beak VERY HARD when alarmed or wanted attention. You must always be consistent in your actions and words so they will learn proper flock etiquette and the rules of having the privilege of shoulder sitting.


Some birds will never be able to be trusted on your shoulder. Also, NEVER wear earrings unless you want it ripped very painfully from your Ear. They can not resist bling-bling. :-)

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Phoenix has never really been allowed on shoulders until I got him a harness. Now he rides on my shoulder as I make the 2mi hike around the lake in the spring and summer.


Talula has far more clumsy and is only allowed on the shoulder (and she feels she has a right to sit up there, mind you) when I'm in the high backed chair.


Phoenix has on occasion played with my earring but always stops when I say "Eh, knock it out" and he's always, always stepped up on command from my shoulder.


Talula will NOT step up from the shoulder, and it's quite a problem. She has very limited shoulder time because of this.


To each their own.

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Bella sits on my shoulder a lot as i need to keep her with me when i move round the house, she can find mischief in a split second of not being supervised, weve even perfected the art of changing my clothes without her falling or flying off, however i dont allow her on my head as she tends to bite when she climbs there. Bellino doesnt like shoulders though.

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