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Whats your Greys name? (or suggestions!?!?)


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Hello, some of you have seen pics of my new baby grey in the Photography Room. I do not yet know the sex and have no names picked out yet.

I do like to read the post to find names of everyone elses Greys. They are all interesting and beautiful names. (I am not trying to "steal" anyones names!! :whistle: lol)

Anyway, I thought it would be neat if everyone posted the names of their Greys,(or other birds or pets) just to get some ideas. Even some name suggestions that were thought of but you went with something different instead! Also, you can post why you chose that name!

I look forward to reading them. :cheer:

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My grey's name is Ana Grey. Before I got her I wanted to call her Tallulah or Merlin or Icarus. Once I met my baby grey I just knew I had a girl, she was such a little lady, I decided to call her Ana Grey. (DNA proved I was right). Good luck with finding the perfect name for your grey.

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My boyfriend had suggested the name Chimay RIGHT AWAY once we decided that we'd be getting a grey. I kept throwing other names at him, not that I didn't like Chimay but I wanted to explore all of our options. I was shot down every time. Ha ha! What's funny is that now that we've had Chimay, I can't think of ANY of my rejected names! His name is just perfect. We had named him after Chuck's favorite brand of beer.


My mom had a TAG when I was in high school, and had named her Shady. As embarassed as I am to admit (I think I'd talked about it once before in a post), she had named her after my imaginary friend from when I was like 3. :blush:


Oh and I had a kitty that I had named Butters...he's my favorite South Park character. Ha ha!! He was truly his namesake.<br><br>Post edited by: chimaysmommy, at: 2009/07/21 01:03

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My TAG is named Partner, I didn't choose the name, and he is 4 years old so he knows it and I didn't really wanna change it on him lol.


My bearded dragons name is Norbert, after Hagrid's baby dragon in Harry Potter.


My chameleons name is Rosie, no special meaning to it lol


My chameleon that passed away, his name was Pepito, after the chameleon on Dr. Doolittle.


And my cats name is Shadow, he is a black cat and when he is out at night he looks like a shadow moving through the night.

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my baby greys name is Rudy she is a little girl,I named her after the little girl on the Bill Cosby show her name was Rudy, my other fids name are KC and Opey, Opey was a rehome and already knew his name at 7 months old, before he says anything he always says his name first lol he loves his name :)

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RileysMom wrote:

my baby greys name is Rudy she is a little girl,I named her after the little girl on the Bill Cosby show her name was Rudy, my other fids name are KC and Opey, Opey was a rehome and already knew his name at 7 months old, before he says anything he always says his name first lol he loves his name :)


That is too cute that Opey says his name before he says anything! I'd agree, he must love his name. :)


All of the names and stories are great, they all put a smile on face to hear such interesting stories behind them!


Keep'em coming! :lol:

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I have 2 Greys Tyco was a rescue and I didn't change her name because she knew it so well Adaya is my baby and I just liked the name plus all my girl kids names begin with A and since I raised Adaya since she was 5 weeks old I figured I would give her an A name as well. I also have 3 dogs one I rescued when he was a pup from the pound he's 14yrs old now. I went to look for a small dog for my little girl and while I was there I saw this beautiful collie puppy they told me that if no one adopted him by that friday he would be put to sleep. this was on Monday so on thursday night I phoned to see if anyone had adopted him and they said no so I called him Destiny because thats what I thought it was. Then there's Gloria her parents names where Archie and Veronica, and I thought since she's Archies pup I called her Gloria Archie Bunkers daughters name is Gloria. Then there's my pappion he weighs 4 lb and when he was a baby he was too cute so his name is TC short for Too Cute.:laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/07/21 08:18

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Ours are Rangi and Kea. We named them before we got them and I must say Kea's name is very fitting.


She steals everything from everyone, she actually waits for Rangi to climb to the bottom of the cage and bring food back up and then she runs over and snatches it. Stealing things is a major thing that the real kea parrot species does, not to mention destroying things which she is great at.


I also wanted names from my home country which is where Rangi came in and it also means god of the sky which I thought was nice.

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My very first grey ever I named Tarzan. I used to just love watching Tarzan growing up and it really seemed to fit him. Tarzan was a wild caught grey and it's kind of like when they brought the movie Tarzan to the civilized world, he didn't quite know how to fit in. My Tarzan is still very wild at heart.

Lyric is Tarzan's first baby, the first baby grey I had and hand fed. I wanted a musical name for him and I really love his name. I thought it was very unique but also a great name for a bird that I imagined being a great talker.

My latest baby's name is Sadie Grey. I wasn't intending on keeping her but she stole my heart and now I can't bear the thought of parting with her. I just liked the name Sadie and it seemed right for her.

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My Greys name is Kiwi (rehomed didn't want to change it) and I have Sally my conure (also rehomed) and since they both knew their name we left it as is. If I had a baby to name I would call it Niki or Lily for a girl or Wrangler for a boy. Good luck on picking your name!

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Echo is called Echo.. Because she's a parrot.. and parrots echo what you say :lol: and thats as deep as my reasoning goes I'm afraid..


The new one will be called - Tic Tac and I'm gonna teach him/her to say Shake ya Tic Tac's like the advert :woohoo:

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I love all your names and stories. Thanks to everyone who has posted. I hope to hear more.:laugh:


My son said the baby looked like a baby penquin when we first brought him home. He said we should name him "Mumble" if its a boy or "Gloria" for a girl. Both characters from "Happy Feet"!! :huh: Not quite sure bout that yet! :pinch:

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her is my SHORT list LoL I am still trying to figure out a name too so this is a great post!!

Diego -Dora the explorers cousin, I wanted to sing the song to him

Taffy -- "shake that laughy taffy"

Cinza - portugese for grey

Siva - Croation for grey

szary - polish for grey

Aila - shining light

Akallah - aboriginal for parrot

Tiya - parrot


Simon - to hear and be heard




Razi - secret

akima -autumn I can't really decide if I like the name or not even though thats what I call the baby, when talking about him

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JJsHoney...since we're both doing some name searching I thought I'd share my "short" list with you....;) And everyone else!!


for girls

Zuri-meaning beautiful

Malaika-meaning angel

Kamora- meaning strong


for boys

Makali-meaning strong or Kali- same meaning

Hodari-meaning brave/smart

Zuka-meaning spirit

Jasiri-meaning brave, or bold

Rafiki-meaning friend


All are names of african origin.<br><br>Post edited by: nluvwithmygrey, at: 2009/07/22 19:58

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