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Would your recognize her or him?


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As I was hanging out with Emma today, I thought about the many stories of parrots that end up lost or stolen. My heart went out to all of the heartbroken parrot owners and I thought to myself... would I recognize my Emma among other african greys? She has extremely beautiful feathering and looks very healthy but I'm not certain that I would be able to pick her among other african greys who looked very similar. It worries me a bit. If I were to ever lose her and she was gone for a long while, would I recognize her when I saw her?


I know that I shouldn't be pessimistic but it is something that has crossed my mind and frankly, I'm a bit worried. :(


I feel more confident about recognizing my pionus Sachi though..not only because of her coloring but also because a portion of her beak is deviated and I would just "truly" know when I saw her.


Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/07/17 02:04


Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/07/17 02:04<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/07/17 02:05

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I would think I would recognize Josey if I had to pick her out of a group of greys, you kind of get to know the tiny variations of feathers, beak and the way she looks plus she would recognize me first and foremost.


Now I know I could pick Sunny out of a crowd of sun conures as she has a little piece missing in part of her beak and she would come to me in an instant.

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I think it would be hard to pick a grey out just by sight.I have Charlie micro chipped and have a list of his vocabulary and know he is right footed.It helps to have a record of any little traits they have and I strongly recomend a micro chip.

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I think it would be hard to tell from, say, a photograph. But in person, I think it would be easier to pick mine out. I think her mannerisms would give her away. Her voice, things she says, the imperfections in her beak, her reactions to people....stuff like that. Like Tony, I have a list of vocab I could send ASAP. Lovethatgrey, I don't think you have anything to worry about...I think you'd know. And, like Judy said, your Grey would know you!!


She, when you had yours microchipped, did he have to be knocked out? Was is stressful?

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Yes you would be able to pick them out by their unique body language. We took both of ours to a bird get together and there were loads of greys flying around together and it took me no time to locate our two. I just looked for distinct ways that they moved.


Also yes they know who you are as well, so many times I would just be standing there and they would come and land on me or I would suddenly see this grey following me with his eyes and waiting for me to call him and I knew that was my Rangi.

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I think it might take a few minutes of watching the birds but I don't think I'd have to many problems tell my birds apart from other Greys Adaya would be easy she has a rounder shorter jaw than most of the Greys I've seen I think it makes her very cute. She almost has the same shape face as my Indian ring neck. Tyco is very large with charcoal coloured feathers and black flight feathers. most very large Grey are almost silver coloured or light grey it makes Tyco quite different from the majority. Also she keeps those feathers of hers in perfect condition not a feather out of place no tatters she is extreamly picky about them. I don't think it would be hard to pick her out at all.

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Microchipping wouldn't help me to pinpoint her just by visually looking, but I think your guys are right in that Emma would cerainly recognize me and the way she looked at me would be distinct. I'm pretty sure I would recognize her voice as well. Thanks for the response guys.{Feel-good-00020114}

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Dorian used to have a partially red feather on the underside of his right wing, but it molted out last year and never reappeared. I don't think I could visually recognize him because in a strange situation he would almost undoubtably revert to his "I'm a feathered statue" impression, and he doesn't fly so I couldn't wait for him to come to me. However, when he feels a need for a rescue he will put one talon up for me to pick him up, and of course, I'd know him right away if he started talking.

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I'm pretty confident that I could pick my baby out of a crowd of greys for sure...Given that nothing changed in his beak (he's recently had a layer flake off after an unfortunate birdie vs. bakers rack gliding incident) I know the pattern in it, and there is a streak of feathers on his head, about 1 feather wide that is darker than all of the others. Plus, his "baby" tailfeathers have taken quite a beating since he's come home with us. Quite a few have broken off in the middle (no blood thank goodness). A month ago, I would say that mine is the one who's tail fanned out looks like a V. But now I'd say that mine's the one that looks like a / Ha ha ha!!

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