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Scarred of new toys


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Hi all


Im beging to wonder if this normal, I buy Poppet new toys bit and pieces here and there and she backs away from them all the time I play with them so she can see they arent going to attack her but the old toys always remain favorates , real real favourate is the bell ( not mine tho lol)

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This is perfectly normal Amy, all greys are cautious of anything new or different, just give her time to get used to them. The way most of us do it by putting the toy in the same room but far enough away that they are not scared of it then gradually over a few days or longer bring it a little closer until they are comfortable with it. Sometimes it helps for you to play with it some and let her know you are having fun and sometimes that will entice them to accept it.


Most greys including mine love bells, I have a tough one that she cannot destroy and she bangs that thing around like she is taking her frustrations out on it.

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thank you Poppet loves it shes a good girl tho , as i live with aunt Poppet lives in my room as soon as i get in bed even if im just watching tv or having a lye in she wont make a sound untill im up again bless her :)

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yep. greys don't like new things. i get more excited about a new toy than tigerlily;)

with some new toys if i put tigerlily on my shoulder then hold the toy with my mouth she usually tries to get it off me and i don't let her straight away which means she wants it even more, she wants everything mummy has. just a tip which might work but it doesn't work with every new toy annoyingly enough;)

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I put the new toys at sight from Kookie for a day or 2 and then bring them closer, normally he takes interest in them on the second day when hes sure they dont bite... but incase not, i put a couple of peanuts on them and this stimulates him to go closer. After that its difficult to take them away...

Good Luck{Nature-00020095}Good Luck{Nature-00020095}

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well i put one in her "house" (sad i know) and had to take it out again because she wouldnd go eat but she kinda half played with it when it was in my hand but the other toy i put in she loved right away lol .. odd parrot lol ;)

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My grey tends to be like that, too. I think the worst instance was when I had to change out his sleeping perch. It had worn down and needed replacing. Unfortunately I was unable to find the same perch in the same white color. All I could find was purple, pink or green! Needless to say, Harley was incredibly peeved with me. Wouldn't use it for 3 days, and then decided that it wasn't going to try to kill him. ;)

Today I lucked out and bought him a beautiful Manzanita playtree. ($50!!!!) Unfortunately he thinks that it's the plant from 'Little Shop Of Horrors."

He bit the snot out of me, just for bringing it into the house. I'm hoping that he'll get used to it being in the same room, and realize that it's fun and not a threat. I'm not pushing it, though. It's got to be on his terms.

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Whisper takes a while to get used to new toys too. She likes smaller toys but large ones freak her out. I usually buy large toys then break them down and make smaller ones for her.


I got her a foraging box the other day and hung it in the cage. She acted fearful but not too bad since it is just brown cardboard not too scary. She was still cautious until she watched me put an almond in it then I could not hold her back.:laugh:

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