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What your grey says/noises it makes ect


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Darwin sings "Take me out to the ball (doesn't say game), whistles "Pop Goes the Weasel". He answers the phone for me, and says "see ya later" to all that leave the house. Asks for fresh water several times a day, and still calls for my 3 grandchildren that he lived with 3 years ago.

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My greys don't make chicken noises, but my Amazons do! And they are some loud chickens believe me!

My female talks a blue streak, in my husbands voice, while the male says a few things, in a conure voice!

They both can whistle the theme from "Hockey Night In Canada" and " Danny Boy"(which they sometimes mix up and do a line from one and a line from the other), the wolf whistle, the charge whistle and copy the cockatiels whistle. My female puts our last name with all the other birds. I think because my husband calls the dog by her full name, Jiggy is smart enough to put our surname behind all the birds names. Jiggy also immitates the smoke detector,the phone, local and long distance, then answers it in my husbands voice, laughs his laugh and says "Hi! How are you!" before he calls me to the phone. Quinn hasn't mastered too many words. Jiggy is 5 and Quinn is 4. Unfortunately, Quinn mimics all the annoying sounds the other birds make then yells "QUIET!" I have moved my greys to a room where I can shut the door when the TV is on to avoid them learning any bad word. I think it is so sad that some people actually teach bad language to these amazing creatures. It is not fair as some of them will outlive their owners and they will be hard to find a good home for.Jiggy will pretty much say anything if my husband teaches her. She assumes his voice and learns his words to please me. She does not really like my husband.

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Exorcist voice? What????

I hope Klaus doesn't sound like that...

It's my all-time scariest movie.

So far Klaus does an excellent wolf whistle (he's only going on 5 months old, so of course no words yet). Also, lots of beeps, clicks, and whistles which make him sound like R2D2 from Star Wars. Sometimes we do the wolf whistle as a team (ie he says "Wee" and I say "Woo."). Or vice versa.

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They sound kind of robotic like when they first start talking but then it comes in clearer and you can hear the words more distinctly.

Josey does a good wolf whistle, which was the first thing she mastered, my hubby made sure of that. But the words will come, Klaus has plenty of time to start talking.

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