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  1. Mine gets carsick, but still talks and whistles. She has never gone anywhere "nice" in the carrier as it is usually to the vet or to be clipped.
  2. I think #2 in your list of sounds seems to be similar to the irritating sound that I referred to in my question last week. I firmly believe it is an attention-getting mechanism, but very, very annoying. Not sure I would call if a clap since when I clap, my bird says, "Go, Cubs!" I will be watching your replies to further investigate this.
  3. Thanks all for the input! As I sit here at 8 a.m., he is busy playing with his toys and being very quiet. Oh, they make liars out of you sometimes. I do enjoy him in spite of the click and hope to learn a lot from all of you regarding all aspects of his complex personality.
  4. Sounds like good advice - just needed some reassurance, db. Heis just being a parrot, I think.
  5. Darwin sings "Take me out to the ball (doesn't say game), whistles "Pop Goes the Weasel". He answers the phone for me, and says "see ya later" to all that leave the house. Asks for fresh water several times a day, and still calls for my 3 grandchildren that he lived with 3 years ago.
  6. The sound is much louder than grinding his beak at bedtime, Talon. Guess it is something that will just be, although it has gotten worse lately. Paying attention to him stops it, but isn't that reinforcing? Ah, well, thank you all for your comments. I will just enjoy his special ways and try to ignore that one. I am really enjoying all comments to everyone here and hope to learn alot from what I read. I have African Grey books on my nightstand, so you can see what my bedtime reading is!
  7. The sound is hard to explain. It is just a loud clicking noise. It isn't the loud screeching when he plays, but it isn't too pleasant to the ears. I have had Darwin for 3 years, my daughter had him for 2 years before that, and one of the managers at a PetSmart had him in her home before that. He spends most of the day on top of his cage when I am home. He doesn't play with his toys much, but as I said, is a very talkative bird. Sings, repeats things in context, tells me exactly what he wants for dinner, etc. We went through a few months where I had to give him antibiotics 2X a day because of an infection which probably explains his hesitance to be loving. He does, however, take to 2 or 3 of my friends. Thanks for the prompt answer. Is this enough background?
  8. My 8 yr old CAG makes a really irritating sound. I am sure it is to get attention. If I ignore it completely, he says, "Stop it! Go get your toy!" Some days I just leave the house to get away from the sound. He is a very talkative bird, does not like to be touched (by me anyway) and seems to be very afraid of most things. Strangely, the vacuum cleaner doesn't bother him at all. Would appreciate knowing if this noise is a "grey thing" and has anyone else had to deal with it. Thanks.
  9. Thanks for the welcome. Not sure how to navigate this site, but will wander around for awhile. You will be hearing from me - have a "burning" question for you grey owners:blush:
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