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Ok this is the big one!!! I was reading and found out that pvc pipe is very dangerous to our envirement and to humans. I was going to make a pvc play gym for my new grey so he would have something to keep him busy. As I was reading today how dangerous it was and how to be very careful when purchasing baby toys that is made with it. teething rings.toys, ect.

So give me some input and let me know if there is an alturnitive to pvc pipe. I am so bumming , I was excited to buy all my materials to build my play gym. now I am scared to death to purchase it.

HELP !!!:(

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Toni, It wasnt that particular article. I put the web site on Daves reply. You should be able to get it off of there. ok.




Are your Family's Products Safe?PVC (polyvinyl chloride) products are everywhere and are dangerous to our health and environment from start to finish - in the factory, at home, and in the trash - releasing poisonous chemicals linked to cancer and birth defects. The good news is that safe, cost-effective, alternatives to PVC are readily available and responsible companies are phasing it out. [Read More]

What's New?


Phthalates in PVC Linked to Underweight Babies – Are There Phthalates in Your School?

The scientific evidence on phthalates, over 90% of which are used in PVC, keeps on mounting. A new independent study on these gender-bending chemicals (commonly found in PVC flooring in schools) found phthalates linked to underweight babies. The Daily Mail reports that, “The latest study looked at phthalate levels in the blood and meconium - the first bowel movement - of 201 newborn babies in China. The researchers, from China's Fudan University and Rockefeller University in New York, found phthalates in 70 per cent of them. The levels were significantly higher in the 88 children with low birth weights, they reported in the Journal of Pediatrics.”




Controversial PVC Plant Closing -- Suspected of Contaminating Drinking Water at Trailer Park in Plaquemine, Louisiana

Dow Chemical, one of the largest manufacturers of PVC chemicals in the world, announced they’re cutting production of vinyl chloride and ethylene dichloride at their Plaquemine, Louisiana plant over the next two years. This is the very same plant that was suspected of leaching cancer-causing vinyl chloride into drinking water at a nearby trailer park, where a number of residents suffered from miscarriages according to the NY Times. Dow isn’t the only PVC manufacturer cutting back these days. In related news, Mitsubishi has announced they’re exiting the PVC business.




EPA Pushes Forward With Misguided Bush-Era Policies on Toxic Dioxin

Under pressure from a coalition of environmental groups headed by the Center for Health, Environment & Justice (CHEJ), the EPA has promised an acceleration of the latest review of the comprehensive human health and exposure assessment for dioxin. CHEJ is concerned about loopholes in the EPA’s plans. “This plan is merely moving forward with the Bush agenda; not accelerating the release of the dioxin report,” said Lois Gibbs. Click here for the press release and community letters and statements to the EPA




Pressure Mounting on EPA and Obama to Release Dioxin Study

This week, dozens of doctors, nurses and scientists sent a letter to EPA Administrator Jackson and President Obama calling on the EPA to release their 20-year delayed study on Dioxin, one of the most toxic chemicals ever studied by EPA. Last week, dozens of environmental justice groups, Vietnam Vets, indigenous groups, health-affected organizations fighting breast cancer, learning disabilities, and birth defects also sent a letter outlining their concerns. Check out some of these quotes from these organizations impacted by Dioxin on why this issue matters to them and their constituents. In 2001 and 2002, dozens of Congressmembers led by Rep. Nancy Pelosi sent letters to EPA calling on the agency to release the study. Almost 10 years later, the study is still in draft form and the EPA now wants to delay the release until at least 2012. Enough is enough – release the study!




Betty the BE Safe Ducky – Making Headlines Coast to Coast

Betty the Be Safe Ducky is CHEJ’s inflatable 25-foot rubber ducky that’s been making headlines coast to coast in support of a PVC-free and toxic-free future. Betty was commissioned in 2006 by CHEJ to support our PVC Campaign and allied groups working to phase out PVC and phthalates in kids’ toys and other consumer products.Check out our new website on Betty featuring a map of the states Betty’s visited the past few years. You can check out photos, video, and articles all about Betty’s travels across the country.




Vinyl and Obesity – Is There a Connection?

Vinyl may not be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about obesity, but a new study has come out linking PVC chemicals with obesity. Researchers at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in NYC found that exposure to phthalates (used in vinyl plastics) may be linked with childhood obesity, according to results from a long-term health study on girls who live in East Harlem and surrounding communities. This isn’t the first study linking PVC chemicals with obesity -there’s been a few other studies that found a correlation between organotins (also used as PVC additives) and obesity.




Are there Phthalates in Your Beer?

A brand new study found that your beer may be contaminated with phthalates such as DEHP. Where are they coming from? The researchers stated ,“that the high content of DEHP incorporated in PVC gaskets could be a potential source.”




CHEJ in the news: Death Of A Toxin

Read about the ‘perfect storm’ that has led six of the largest manufacturers of baby bottles to stop using the chemical bisphenol A (BPA) which has been shown to cause developmental delays and other health problems. click here




PVC Flooring, Asthma and Autism – Is There A Connection?

A new study published in the scientific journal, Neurtoxicology, found a statistically significant correlation between autism spectrum disorder among children and PVC flooring, especially in the parent’s bedroom. The study also found, “PVC flooring to be one important source of airborne phthalates indoor, and that asthma and allergy prevalence are associated with phthalate concentrations in settled dust in the children's bedroom. Because these associations are among the few linking ASD with environmental variables, they warrant further and more extensive exploration.” The is the first study to link PVC flooring with autism spectrum disorder, and adds to a growing body of scientific evidence linking phthalates in PVC flooring with asthma and other respiratory problems in children and adults.













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Center for Health, Environment and Justice • 9 Murray Street, Floor 3

New York, NY 10007-2223 • 212-964-3680 • mike@chej.org

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Well, I can only say that the PVC piping I'm familar with that's sold at large hardware stores and large home improvement stores such as Home Depot, Lowes, Ace Hardware and other plumbing businesses don't use any type of toxic PCV piping because it is used mostly for use in water both in the house and for drainage.

That type of piping is also used in all types of bird stands that are extremely popular and have been extremely popular for years and are sold in major pet stores and there's never been any recalls on those products. I've never heard of a bird dying from PCV piping. As far as baby toys being made from it, I haven't got a clue about that but I can tell you that any items you get for your birds such as those stands won't cause any problems for the birds. There's nothing in that article that has anything to do with bird items and most baby toys are made from a very hard material in which the baby can suck on and try to chew for hours and hours. Toys r Us hasn't reported any toxic after effects from the toys they sell that are unbreakable but chewable. Those same toys are also given to birds to chew on and so far, there's been no deaths from those toys. So I think you can make or buy your PCV piping for a stand without any worry.

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The PVC you find in most hardware stores is designed for use as drain piping, not fresh water. Most available PVC is not to be used for human water consumption. The irrigation system in your yard might also have this type of "toxic" pvc. Most of the fresh water piping in the home will be copper or PEX (which is a type of plastic piping in new homes). There are some special pvc that is rated for fresh water supply but it is not easy for the average consumer to tell the difference. And most of this type is not a suitable building material.


With that being said the real danger is in the burning or cutting of this pvc. Also, water will leach the harmful chemicals which is why it is not used for fresh water supply. Do not burn or cut with torch. Wear a HEPA mask when cutting.


Some studies are showing that pressure like that exerted by chewing by infants on teething toys will release the harmful chemicals. Some teething rings were recalled.


I will use some pvc to make a stand but only for the support pole and connectors. All of the perch areas will be natural wood.

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