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ACK!!! What is this!?


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Okay, I'm a newbie to Greys... but I've have two other birds. I've never seen this happen, and it's freaking me out. WHAT is UP with this wing feather? Did he start to bite it off? Why does it look like this? What do I need to do?


Sorry to sound like a freaked out first-time parent, but I am...









He seems fine, but I noticed him biting at it... that's when I realized that it looked weird. Do I need to do something with this? He honestly doesn't appear hurt, or anything, just annoyed at this feather. You'll notice in one of those pictures that his tailfeathers are largely gone too... does he have a plucking problem?

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It looks out of place is all, this sometimes happens when they play and he will take care of it himself just give him time. Have you actually seen him chew or pluck his tail feathers? He might be going thru a molt right now but keep a close eye out and don't worry too much about it for if you stress out about it then so will he.

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If Tobie hadn't already gone to bed I'd take a picture. Your bird and my bird are a matched set - Tobie has a feather partially broken off like yours. The feather may be molting or have gotten broken. Like Judy said - stay cool, and let him take care of it. I just had to comment because the feather looks like the same one on the same wing on Tobie.

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I wouldnt worry about it. Young greys are pretty active, and often break feathers. I can't tell you how many people bring younger greys to the store with 2/3 of their tail feathers missing. Schroeder broke all but 2 of his off when I first brought him home because he was getting used to playing with big boy toys in a big boy cage. That said, wing feathers get broken from time to time too. As long as it isnt bleeding, your grey is fine and will take care of it. If the feather is bleeding, get to a vet. If the feather is not bleeding, but the break is going tooward the follicle, it may cause a problem later, so just snip it off at the break.

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Thanks Jen. Tim is just like your Schroeder then... he only has two tail feathers left... his poor little tail looks so sad! I don't think it's breaking farther down, I think he snipped it off pretty well.


Thanks again for all the thoughts. I'm sure I sound silly.:dry:

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You're just a concerned mom, that's all! Don't feel silly about asking questions like this, it may help someone else down the road that has the same issue arise.

My Lyric was so clumsy when he was younger that he ended up breaking off ALL his tail feathers! He looked pretty silly for a while until the tail grew back. He had a crash landing several months ago when he got scared and ended up breaking most of the flights off one wing. He still can't fly properly from that incident. Poor Lyric, I think he's just accident prone!

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