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Found a baby Sparrow hatchling..Nest HighUP..CATS!


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Awwww, what a beautiful baby sparrow.


It's wonderful of you to be hand feeding him and nuturing to health.


I love reading stories such as this. Hopefully he will be able to make it on his own in the wild. It may be hard without parents to teach him. :-)


You may just end up getting him a cage and keeping him safe, happy and loved. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/07/03 21:14

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I just love him so much already.

I have learned that he most likely cannot go back to the wild and as he is not a protected bird ( Kind of a pest I guess ) they dont do anything for them as far as rehab.

I would love to keep him, I have five already whats one more fid going to hurt.

I have also joined the Forum " Starling Talk" they have given great advice.


This lil guy is the reason for me not showing up on this forum latley.


Luckily wild birds feed sun up to sun down so I get some sleep after 9-10pm.:P



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I think it's terrible.


Actually here at work some people told me stories of how they found a baby sparrow and asked if this pet store would help and they said they wont. So he threatened to leave it outside by the door in a shoe box!

They yelled at him and said dont you dare....blah blah blah

Same thing another co-worker said was he found a baby sparrow thesame age as the one I have and took it to a Vet clinic and they wouldnt help either.


So very sad. Both stories had a BAD ending and the baby died.


Now they said if they ever find a baby bird they are going to call me. ( good thing or bad thing ?)hmmm




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I raised a baby robin this way once. His whole nest (and all his siblings) were drowned in a torrential downpour outside a friend's doorway, but he had managed to cling to a limb in the arborvitae tree the nest had been in. He was probably a week older than your baby is now when I got him.


He did eventually return to the wild, but actually flew down onto my head about three months later! I was going for a walk in the woods, and the robins were gathering in this one glade, so I stopped and did the robin calls I had learned from him. One flew and landed on my head, then stepped off onto my hand, and then flew away again. It had to be him - it was so exciting! And I was also so excited to see he had been accepted by his own kind.


Good luck with your baby, it looks like you are doing a great job!

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myafricanqueen wrote:

Now they said if they ever find a baby bird they are going to call me. ( good thing or bad thing ?)hmmm


Well you asked for it when you took in this bird but what is one more bird, some people might look on them as pests but they are still God's creatures and you love them for sure, you are a good woman Cristen.

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Oh what a little cutie I can't believe he actually survived a fall onto concrete. I guess he was meant to be yours. he's sure cute. How old do you think he was when you found him? How long have you had him? I can't wait to see him fully feathered. Thank you for sharing him/her with us What kind of seed mix will he eat canary,budgie,or cockateil? how big is he? Geez I'm just full of questions aren't I. sorry I jsut so curious I raise a baby squiral that fell from his nest last year he was only about a week old and hairless when I found him. I let him go In my back yard when he was old enough I stiil put food out for him and he comes around to eat.

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OmG what a little sweetheart I can see why you love him just look at that sweet little tough guy tail I just love that beak I be he's got a big mouth when he opens it up to be fed. has he started taking any solid food yet. He's so little and so cute. I bet his little feathers feel just like silk. you are doing a awesome job he looks healthy and strong. what do your other birds think of him?

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Aww thats so sweet of you Cristen! You are doing a great thing. My mom found a little baby mockingbird around the same age as yours and she fed it until it was big enough to go to the rescue near us. That is horrible that the rescue near you wouldn't do anything for those little birds, who cares if its a pest, its still an animal that needs help isn't that what they are suppose to do? At least that little baby has you, good for you Cristen. ;)

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Thanks for your kind words SchroedersJen. I sure do hope he can keep those cats away!



My other Fids were looking around and wondering what the heck that little sound was ( for couple weeks) and why is mom so busy with whatever that thing is??? Last nite was the first time I actually held him beside the cages so they can see eachother thru the bars. I wanted to wait till TG was stronger and older before stressing him out.

Beleive it or not TG was the fiesty one!! He let me know that he didnt want to get any closer. Of course Connor the conure was dying to get out and see him, Dalia ( CAG) kinda looked at him like OOOOHHH so thats whats been taking up lots of moms time!! Her eyes studied him very carefully.


AND YESS!!! his feathers are like SILK!




Thanks for your comment. I am so proud of him for growing up to be a big Sparrow. It has been such a great experience for me. I can calm down and not worry so much about him now that he is a big baby and has lot's of feathers to keep him warm and goes longer between feeds now too.

He turns his beak away when he is full or doesnt want to eat...Its really quite cute when he turns his fuzzy bum inmy face. :P

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