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Are we parrot people eccentric?


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I sometimes get the impression that, in the eyes of others (non-parrot people of course) I'm just plain weird--eccentric if you like (in rather mean plain english a crazy bird lady). Takes a chunk out of your self-esteem after a while, you know?


If I said on this forum that I share breakfast with my fids and then we hop in the shower and that I have to be home by a certain time to make sure there was enough playtime before bed no one would blink an eye. Non-parrot people look at me like I'm from Mars and have six eyes.. (You what? That's so weird) after all, as they love to say, it's JUST A BIRD *:ohmy: Iknow :P ).


Now I am pretty introverted and I don't care much for the mainstream junk that people my age are into---but I never thought I was really that abnormal...sure I prefer to stay home and read a book but geez :P

Plus for me, it's not just a pet, my parrots are my responsibility and one of my greatest joys, and generally speaking their happiness comes before my own because they're helpless animals and depend on me (for example if they need toys and I want a shirt--they get their toys.. lol sometimes even if it's they want toys and I need a shirt).


What about you guys? Any of you ever feel like you are/or are labelled as 'crazy bird ladies (men)?'

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I talk to my birds as if they were humans. I carry conversations with them when entering the house, leaving the house, walking around the house, and you see where this is going...


My friends are always like, "What ARE you doing?" Then I proceed to explain how much the birds rock and they love the attention. But the non-parrot people just don't get it. It's a bird. Just a bird to them. SOME of my friends think I'm a bit crazy cause they see a bird perch in every single room, and some think I have children because they see plastic baby toys thrown on the floor. Nope. Those are just my FIDs. And the only kids for me! I never get sick of them looking at my funny. It makes me laugh and then I only play the part more! :lol: :woohoo:


And one example is just the other day at work I was on here and my co-worker came up behind me. After a few seconds, he said... "You are NOT really on a bird forum... are you?" I said HELL YEAH! :woohoo:<br><br>Post edited by: djzenjen, at: 2009/07/03 04:54

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i know what you mean...the other day my bf asked me what was going on in the world of birds when i was on here...he's also doesn't understand why pple post some of the things they do (like what their birds eat, etc.) so i had to try and explain it and why i like reading what other pple are going thru/doing with their greys. he still doesn't understand but he accepts it...he has bmx racing...i have the bird forum lol

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Yes, I will admit it. I am also a crazy old bird lady. At least I will be as soon as I get old. People I work with did not think too much about having one bird but when I mentioned I am getting a second one they are like WHAT? I think the fact that I live alone makes them think it even more so. They probably feel sorry for me. Poor thing, all she has is her birds. HA!


So yes we are eccentric but also special. Not everyone will know the joy and special bond we have with our fids because not everyone is willing to do all that it takes and make the sacrifices it takes to have a relationship with these marvelous creatures. Today's society is basically selfish and self centered so that is one reason it is hard for them to understand.

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Char I think you hit the nail on the head, today's society is selfish and self centered, they think only of themselves and they just don't get it. But hey maybe it is better that everybody doesn't feel the way we feel about birds or everyone would want them. We are all different but those of us on this forum share one key ingredient, we love our fids, maybe as much or more than we love our own flesh and blood and that is what makes us special.


Yeah I hear that occasionally, "well its only a bird" they don't understand and never will and frankly I don't give a rat's patootie what they think of me for they have no clue so yes I am a "crazy bird lady" and proud of it.:);)

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Hey Judy it could be worse. We could be crazy old cat ladies. You know the ones that have like 20 cats. :laugh:


I actually had someone say to me the other day " You take a bird to the vet?" I said "well yeah. Don't you take your pets to the vet?"


Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/07/03 05:29<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/07/03 05:29

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I am 52 yrs old and I guess I have reached an age when I don't give a crap what people think. It is rather liberating really.


I don't have anything against cat people. I was just making an example of the way society labels anything that that is different.<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/07/03 06:26

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Poor people are crazy, rich people are eccentric. If you meet a rich parrot person, it's because they arent buying enough toys and good food for their fid. The whole purpose of a bird is to drive us into the poor house. By definition, we are all bat$&it crazy, not eccentric. Don't worry about it though. One of the perks about being nuts is that we dont know it. We just think everyone else is loopy. Ignorance is bliss. Smile on :)

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You know its funny when I first got Alcazar.My whole family thought I was nuts on spoiling him and talking to him and the first few months thought I was weird buttttttttt whose weird now? LOL...My mom now buys toys for him, she talks to him on the speaker phone, my sister kisses him, my bf understands all now. They all hold conversations with him.....Yea and Im the weird one..hahaha.

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Char wrote:

I am 52 yrs old and I guess I have reached an age when I don't give a crap what people think. It is rather liberating really.


Now I can really relate to this statement.


It is very liberating to be able to actually NOT see the poop that ran down the middle of your back. Go out in public. Get home and realize you went out like that. Then not care, because you just don't give a crap what society thinks any longer. :P


Example: Dayo bit my nose while we were playing on Sunday and it left a good smile on one side that bled excessively.


Needless to say, I go to work Monday and people that you run into are of course staring at your nose as your talking, then finally say "You have something on your nose" ...


The response of "Yes, my Parrot bit me too hard while playing", gets a weird stare.


But, one person actually cracked a joke, remembering the old cartoons of a person running around screaming with a Parrot hanging on to their nose. :-)


I am glad I got over my very self conscious years and come to realize that what people think just doesn't matter anymore and enjoy life to the full.... :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/07/03 14:16

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I really don't get that impression from my family and friends. They all know me to be pretty serious about anything I get involved in and I guess are not surprised that I am the same way with my parrots. Along the way they have certainly learned alot that they never knew before as well.


In general.. I'm the person that everyone goes to when they need advice before taking action. I'm known for being meticulous and methodical in almost everything and I always do a thorough research on everything and don't get involved in anything I do not understand. I think what I've done for my non parrot owner friends is set the BAR for being a parrot owner. None of them have any interest in being a parrot owner because they recognize what is involved.

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lovethatgrey wrote:

I think what I've done for my non parrot owner friends is set the BAR for being a parrot owner. None of them have any interest in being a parrot owner because they recognize what is involved.


This is a great observation, lovethatgrey, and I'll bet you are right. I know a lot of my friends and colleagues who have watched how much time I spend on and with my birds have gotten religion about any ideas they had about frivolously running out and buying a parrot.


I personally rather enjoy being "different", if that's what we are. Life is so much more interesting than some folks seem to think it is....

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Yes, people probabley think I am ott with my birds but I realy dont care that much.The way I see it is that I am a far richer person, a far better person for sharing my life with a parrot. I am without doubt a happier person.You know what,if people dont understand the love and devotion you can give a pet, they are missing out on so much.

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I am the only bird person I personally know. Everyone shows me the same respect for my companions, 2 parrots and a dog, as I show their companions. All the kids in the neighborhood want to see my birds and even the grownups will come over and spend a few minutes chatting about my fids and giving Lily the pug a scratch and hello.

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I guess then it might be because I'm 18 lol... most people my age spend all their time shopping or drinking or hanging out with various people.

Me, I'm a bird person :P I spend most of my time with a parrot riding around in the hood of my 'bird sweater' (i.e. the one I sacrificed in the name of keeping my other clothes poop free--most of the time) and looking for whatever I can find to keep them occupied :)... and I like it that way!

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Well I must say you are an exception for most people your age are out having fun with their friends and anything but hanging around home so you are a true bird person, one of the crazies but you are in good company for you are one of us.

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I am always owned the non-ordinary pets my whole life...my parents dont really care anymore.


I never cared what anyone ever said and have had many varieties of animals: savannah monitor, red tail boa who was abused, abused cameleon, bunnies, hamster, fish that made it to 9-11 yrs old, 2 cats that I spent over 10k keeping them alive for 14 yrs.


So when I got My Great Danes no one was surprised. I have had 5 since. Then I got a sun conure and everyone rolled there eyes. When i got Rexxy, they didnt even ask. I dont know anyone else who have birds.


I take Rexxy to my shop now once a week and customers just ask "why". I just say, why do you have a pet? And they never have a answer.


And I just got my sand boa last month. Not sharing that with most. Most dont understand, do they?

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Accentric? Yes, wierd? No! Other people are too narrow-minded to realise just how intelligent parrots (esp. AG's) are. They are so caught-up in their cat & dog culture that they can't see any further than the obvious pet choices. Personally I think that parrots are far more than "just a bird" and more intelligent than dogs but especially cats but hey, it's their loss if they are unaware of this.


I guess we are a little accentric though with our birdy way of life but who cares huh?

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I was eccentric before I got my birds and I knew it:laugh: As for wierd, I don't think I'm wierd but others may. I really don't care. We are in such a self centered world where people are just out for themselves and would rather text than talk to a person and I am just the opposite. I guess I am an introvert more or less because I just refuse to convert to all the new ways of the world. So yea, I guess I'm a little eccentric and proud of it:)


I went back to school last April. I get along with everyone but I wouldn't say I fit in the "click" but that's ok. I found the new greetings for girlfriends is "Hey Bitches & Hey Hookers!" and it is said out of fondness? I guess I'm getting old cuz I don't want to be called a bitch or a hooker:blink: LOL


I get more love and happiness out of my birds than I could have ever imagined so I am quite content. They are the reason I love to wake up in the mornings. They greet me every morning and make me laugh through out the day. I do know that people can be kind of wierd about people having birds as pets and just don't get it, but who cares?<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2009/07/04 19:03

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My daughter walk into my house the other day she hasn't been here for awhile and the first thing she said to me was mom you have to many birds look they have taken over your house. they're is a playgym in everyroom large rubber mats under each one their are boings rope swings globes and atoms hanging everywhere their are window perches and shower perches she said I live in a giant bird cage. LOL I thought it was funny she only stayed about 15 or 20 minutes. she probubly thinks I'm very ecentric and is telling her sister that moms gone nuts. I have one daughter that is a total bird nut like me as a matter of fact she just moved a couple months ago and took the 2 cockateils and the Green cheeked conure with her. although they where my birds they where very bonded to her much more so then to me and she asked me if she could have them so I said ok. so actually i'm down to 5 birds instead of 8 I don't know what all the fuss is. No one except you people understand the love of birds.

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Joolesgreyuk wrote:

Accentric? Yes, wierd? No! Other people are too narrow-minded to realise just how intelligent parrots (esp. AG's) are. They are so caught-up in their cat & dog culture that they can't see any further than the obvious pet choices. Personally I think that parrots are far more than "just a bird" and more intelligent than dogs but especially cats but hey, it's their loss if they are unaware of this.


I guess we are a little accentric though with our birdy way of life but who cares huh?


I totally agree...I'm always telling my neighbor "if only your dogs were half as smart as my bird..."


It's because we care about their happiness and well being because they are so dependent on us.

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they are a much greater responsibility as far as keeping them "entertained" with toys, attention, etc... So many don't feel this way, and therefore the parrot suffers from neglect, which really sucks.

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