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What are you looking forward to?

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After reading Caspers new thread about the weather and posting how hot it is in my area it reminded me of how much I am looking forward to the arrival of my big above ground pool. (it's in the mail so they say) It's just a Walmart Special but it would feel so good to jump in right now.


Anyway, I am so Looking forward to my pool arriving and was wondering what are you looking forward to?


It can be anything from something to simple to something really big. I think it would be fun and help us get to know each other better. You can post as much as you want to, too:)<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2009/07/02 22:27

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A nice pool to jump into would feel good right about now but I am looking forward to next week when my hubby and I are going to WV to visit my son and his family for a few days, we are taking our grandson with us so he can play with my son's two girls in their pool.


Sunny and Josey will come along too, Josey loves to travel but Sunny is not so keen on it.

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Looking forward for more opportunities in life. Good health for my family and as well as for my friends.


As a father to my kids, I'm hoping that they'll both grow healthy and smart. Be an obedient student and siblings.


As for my wife, I'm looking forward for her patience and understanding..


As for my future someday, looking forward for more achievements in life and that includes success for all of my loved ones.


As for my career right now, looking forward for cool updates and innovations for my business..<br><br>Post edited by: JasonOne, at: 2009/07/15 14:28

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