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My Visit to Project Perry


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I went to visit the project perry sanctuary in Louisa, VA on Saturday and I must say I was impressed with the facilities. I was welcomed by Matt Smith, who lives in the house where some of the birds reside. There was the garage area that has been turned into a conure room and another room next to it was a macaw room. Both of these rooms have high ceilings and were outfitted with tree branches for them to climb around on, the tile floors were covered with broken coconut shells.


The african grey aviary was very impressive, a long metal structure that allows them to fly from one end to another with all kinds of plants and flowers growing inside, non-toxic of course, that must be so much like what they would experience in their native habitat. They were all in the end covered with plastic that they would be closed up in the wintertime to be heated, giant fans kept the enclosure air moving. We were not allowed to go inside the aviary but was not really disappointed because I knew it was in the best interest of the greys to keep them undisturbed as possible.


I believe most of these greys are former breeder birds who come from different places to live out their remaining lives in the harmony of others like them. There was one grey who was in the process of being rehomed as were other birds.


Some of the birds inside the house were available for adoption and they have strict guidelines they follow in order for a person to acquire one of the birds in their care.


There were other buildings where different species of birds were housed, some of these were not for adoption with some coming from homes where they were treated very poorly or suffered from some injury that made them poor candidates for adoption.


Sheryl Covie showed us around, I took a friend and there were others who came as they take a group on a first visit and she knew the birds well, she told us the stories of a lot of the birds that were housed there and some of them were horrible to hear, it amazes me how some people can be so cruel and/or ignorant.


I really enjoyed my visit, I volunteered for a couple of hours by feeding and watering some of the birds, they go solely by donations and I hope to talk the bird club I belong to come for a visit as a group and maybe make a donation to help them along with their project. These people really care about these birds and it shows in how they are taken care of.


Here are some pictures I took to share with you all:






If you look closely you can find some of the greys.

109.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: judygram, at: 2009/07/01 03:55

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This is a pic of the back of the house that shows the outside aviary where the conures can go outside from a window but the day we were there the window was closed with the A/C on.

125.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: judygram, at: 2009/07/01 03:54

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Judy, that looks awesome. You took some wonderful pictures. Thanks for sharing them with us. I saw your post about your planned trip there and I googled mapquest to see how far it would be for me to join you. It was over 7 hrs.:( It sounds like you had a wonderful time.

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You must have had a marvelous time at the Project Perry Sanctuary, Judy! :) The pictures are great and the birds look healthy and very happy. It had to have been a fantastic experience to be able to help out. Thank you for sharing your trip with us.

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It sounds fantastic Judy!

The photos are excellent I am so pleased you were able to take these for us its great we could share your experience.


It sounds like you had a wonderful day there, did you have far to travel?


Its a shame we all dont live nearer and could organise a trip together, that would be great.


Karma coming your way:)

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I totally missed this thread and I was looking forward to these pics because I saw the thread that you where going it looks like a fantastic rescue the birds look so beautiful and happy that is quite the place. I wish I had the money to do something like that for the birds in this part of the world. What a nice place if you don't have anywhere for your bird to go when you pass on its almost like a retirement home for birds if something like that is needed.

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Char wrote:

I saw your post about your planned trip there and I googled mapquest to see how far it would be for me to join you. It was over 7 hrs.:( It sounds like you had a wonderful time.


Char you could have went the remainder of the way with me, I know you would have loved the experience, I am so glad I went.

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Janet I did have a wonderful time and the cages and enclosures were clean and the birds are fed very well. There was a couple who come in every Saturday with fresh organic produce that they chop up and mix with nuts and pellets. All the residents looked in good health and were happy.


Caroline it was over a two hour drive for me but with the bird friend that went with me the time passed quickly as we talked about our birds and such. I would go back again in a heartbeat.


You are right Pat, we do need more places like these but then we need more people like Matt Smith that devotes his life to the care of these fids and he is doing a wonderful job with it.

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Wow Judy what an experience that must have been for you! I am so jealous, I wish I could go there, it looks like an amazing place with a bunch of caring people. I wish there were more people like that in this world, they are doing such a great thing for those birds. Thanks so much for sharing pictures with us Judy.

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Wow, what a magnificent rescue and or sanctuary for all those Greys and other Parrots. They are obviously taken very good care of and are probably enjoying life more than they ever have, barring any time they may have actually spent in the wild.


Thanks for sharing the story and all the GreYt photos Judy!! :-)


Wish I lived close to that part of the woods, it would be a GreYt place to frequent, helpout and support.

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Thanks Kenz for sharing another picture of Charlie, he suffers with arthritis and cannot fly and has trouble just perching but he is Sheryl's favorite, he loves her. If you have any more you would want to share with us please do.


It is a great place Caitlin and I wished you could have gone with me, any bird lover would have enjoyed the experience immensely.


Dan if you ever find yourself in my neck of the country please consider dropping in and we will go visit the place, it would be worth it.

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Oh Judy,what a wonderful place. I would love to go visit a sanctuary and see them cared for so well. I know what you mean about how it makes you mad that some people are so cruel or ignorant about owning parrot and it tears me up inside as well.


That place looks wonderful and I'm sure all the residents feel like they have it made now:) Thanks for sharing your trip with us.

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Judy, what an amazing heaven for birds.It must have been a great day. It is heart warming when you hear of a sanctury like that and the wonderful people who do so much to help birds who in most cases have not had a happy life.Those birds are really making up for lost time.

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