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Darwin Darwin!


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My little Darwin love is growing up! Just under 7 months now and she gets cuter and sweeter and smarter by the minute.

No words yet but lots of sounds and whistles! She is a sound effect genius! Here's a few of her favourites....

1. the sound when you flick your tongue - do you know what I mean? It's kind of like a tocktocktock sound. She does it every time you put your face close to her. So cute.

2. The squeak squeak of my puppy's chew toys. Perfectly. I went into Darwin's room the other day because I thought he was in there playing!

3. The high pitched whistle to low pitched whistle and an explosion noise

4. I say "are you pretty?" and she does the woootwooo classic whistle

5. I say "Darwin, what does a laser do?" And she goes pewpewpewwww

6. A spaceship noise I got off the internet lol

7. 3 more whistles my mum does to her all day long

8. Donald Duck squaks that my dad makes (she adores my dad)

9. the crying of my puppy when he gets put in his crate for sleeping, also impeccable


:blink: :laugh: She is too funny. She has her own little sounds she uses when she wants something or just to say hi. Not a picky eater which is nice as I've been giving her a huge variety of everything I can get my hands on. I've been taking her on her harness out and about - to the market and to my school etc. Always with a bottle of hand sanitizer and she has stepped up onto a few people! Go Darwin!

She also loves loves loves to get her neck scratched. She'll come running across the table and plunck her head down and do this really soft whistle. I'll scratch her neck and she'll tuck her beak under her belly.

I must say I love her more and more all the time! She is my little baby.

She has also made an appearance in my photography portfolio as she is so photogenic. Here's the link!




Enjoy! I'll have more photos of her and Apollo, my little pup, to come in the near future! I'm on my laptop and I forgot they're not on here. ;)



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