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Schroeder escaped

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JenI am so sorry to hear this.I am asuming you know and are taking all the usual avenues,vets, local media,pet stores,adverts in super markets, internet,flyers and such. I really feel for you and wish you the bestof luck for Schroeders safe return. Please keep us up dated.

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Schroeder is microchipped and all vets, rescues and pet stores in a 30 mile radius have been notified.....the problem is he is grey (duh) and not easy to see. I'm suddenly wishing he was a cag, at least they have a bright red tail. Poor little muffin. We are heartbroken.

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Oh no, I am so sorry to hear of this terrible event Jen!!! It sounds like you have covered all the bases, so I assume you have posted in all the internet sites as well.


You are in my thoughts and prayers for a quick return.

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Thank God I just got home from work and saw this post and i was just about in tears then I got to this final post and saw That he is home safe and sound thank goodness I'm so happy you found him what a horrible feeling to think your baby maybe gone lost who knows where. I'm so releived he's home. Did you find him or did someone else find him and bring him to you.

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So you found him in only about 9 hours? That is wonderful news!!!


Please tell us how you retrieved him...Please. You know we all wanting to know and it will helps others perhaps IF they ever lose one of their Parrots. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/06/28 15:56

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Omg, I thought, not another member's grey is missing when I first started reading this thread but so happy to find it has a happy ending.


Would you share with us how this escape happened as it may help someone else and then again we are curious?

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There were a lot of things done yesterday to get him back, but I will concentrate on the things that worked. Schroeder is well liked by a lot of our neighbors. I have done a lot, since getting him, to make sure that everyone knows who he is, what he looks like and what he sounds like. I take him out for walks, let the kids hold him and have spent a lot of time making sure that he is the kind of community member that will be missed. When people heard he was missing, I had A LOT of neighbors out trying to find him. Also, I know that with a flying pet that that can live decades, I have always known that it would be a question of when he got out, not if he got out. As a result, I had a nest egg (forgive the pun) or reward money substantial enough to make sure that people would be really interested in finding and returning him. $1,000 in a down economy is more than a lot of people will get for him on craigslist, and more than a lot of people get for a paycheck. People that didnt know or like Schroeder were out looking for him. In the end, it came down to a kid that likes my pet, and is used to seeing him, finding him in a parking lot. Schroeder got frightened of the kids scooter and flew across the street and up a slope. He called Mike and Mike called me on my cell. I ran over (from posting color fliers) to look for him. We had about 5 people on that slope within minutes that all knew what to look for because they either knew Schroeder or had been directed to you tube videos and photos of him). When my little trouble maker was found...he was in a bush. I was talking down the slope to my husband about how I didnt think he would be able to make it in a tree, and if he landed on the ground we wouldnt see him because of the ground cover. At that time my sisters BF pointed to a bush and said "what about that birrd?" Schroeder was in a bush, 3 or 4 feet away silently looking at me. He wasnty making any noise, just looking and wondering why I hadnt already asked him to step up. He was very thirsty (it was hot yesterday) and I rushed him home, gave him a lot of pedialyte and quarantined him. I am waiting for the vets clean bill of health before letting him around Buddy. Thats our rescue in a nutshell. We are thrilled to have so many people to thank for their support and well wishes. Other things that we did were to writ missing bird alerts on my car windows as well as those of my husband and friend. We had color posters made in advance (aboout a year ago) and putt them up right away. We were visable and asked EVERYONE for help. We were out all day with water and treats and cold sodas for anyone willing to help us look. Friends out of state were notified and online within 20 minutes putting up alerts on facebook, twitter, websites, craigslist and 911parrot alert. The microchip company was notified and a color photo of Schroeder was sent out to all locat rescues and vets. We delegated a lot of jobs right away and put out a huge effort. I can't stress how much help we had yesterday. We never felt alone, spirits and hope were high and the job was done. Please, please, please, if everyone learns something from our experience yesterday, let it be the value of a close community. Lots of people love Schroeder, know him and were interested in getting him home safely. neighbors kept their cats and dogs in for the day, people were quiet and listened and looked for him. Radios and car sterios were not blasted outside and we had a lot of help. I made good on my reward too, so when this happens again, everyone will still be interested in helping. W\Tonight we will be having a BBQ and paying for food and drinks for those that helped us. :) Thanks again everyone, We are thrilled to have our little guy home safe!

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Wow, what a wonderful story of how to use networking with all you know actively involved in finding your Grey. Introducing all in your neighborhood to Schroeder and visiting with them as you take walks now and then is a GreYt idea.


Thanks for posting this!!!!

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