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Name issues


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Hey everyone! I am new to this forum, this is my first post! :-)


I am having some issues with naming my new Grey. He/She is set to come home the end of next month or so. Here's the problem. I had $ down on a grey and there was a tragedy at the aviary and my grey didn't make it. :-( (No illnesses or anything, just a sad accident). That grey's name was to be Kasuku. I am getting another grey from the same place, but am not sure about the name now. I thought about naming it Nkusu (both mean parrot in different African languages). Problem is, I like the name Kasuku better, but it feels so cold and unfeeling to name the new bird after the first baby. But I am afraid that if I name it Nkusu I will always regret not giving it the name that I truly loved. I am thinking maybe Kasuku II? What do you guys think? What would you do in this situation?

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I love african names for greys.My favourite is Malaika which means angel.I like both the names you have for your new grey,I understand your reservations about calling the new bird the name you chose for the first baby but it is a beautiful name.Maybe you could look on the name Kasuku as a tribute and still name the new bird Kasuku.

Welcome to the forum,I hope you find it useful.

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Hi snick1899, to me when you name a person after someone it is in honor of that person. I believe it would be the same with your baby grey. So I would name your baby grey Kasuku if that is what you want to do. Now you should introduce yourself in the Welcome/Introduction Room as you are now a member of the family. We would love to hear more about you and your new baby grey. If you have any pictures, we would love to see them. Welcome to the family!!!

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I like Both names and I think either way would be fine. I know this person that has had four dogs over the course of his life and he names them all the same name. He likes it and he figures its an honor for the dog that came before. Name your bird something you really like it doesn't matter if the bird that came before him has the same name.

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I have gotten so used to say Nkusu that Kasuku sounds strange now. I think it's gonna be Nkusu! Plus, I really like the fact that it would be a Congo name for my Congo Grey. :-) Unless, of course, the little cag shows me a better name with it's personality! I get to meet it tomorrow! Pictures will definitely follow!! I think she is sending DNA off this week, so I should know what my baby is soon!

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Very nice name i'm sure we will see and hear alot more from you both. Now when i hear all these wonderful names that all our family and come up with "Dusty" just doesnt seem to be that good, But it really does fit our little grey bundle of trouble. So i Love it really.{Love-0002006D}<br><br>Post edited by: Jaguar, at: 2009/06/28 22:24

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Well, I met my new baby today! I decided against Nkusu. After doing some research I realized that I was pronouncing the name wrong. I was saying "Nah coo soo" When it is actually pronounces "Nnn coo soo" I asked the baby if that was his name and he hacked at me, so I take that as a no! Kasuku it is! I have a picture of him, I am going to post it as soon as I figure out how! lol Oh and she is guessing that it is a boy, since he has dark feathers and a flat head. lol We will find out for sure when the DNA comes back!

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Meet baby Kasuku II!

He was very cuddly today and gave tons of kisses (though I am sure the "kisses" were him just thinking I was feeding him! lol) He is starting to explore things with his mouth and spent a lot of time chewing on my fingers! Very cuddly! He liked to rub his beak on my nose, I thought it was so cute! He would close his eyes and nuzzle againt my nose...love at first sight, definitely!

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