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Where did Ecko go?


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I left the room for a second and when I came back I couldn't find Ecko. I was calling him, "Eckooo where are youuu," I heard him make a peep and this is where I found him.. in the fruit basket hahaha at least there was no fruit in there.



So I tell him, "no Ecko you can't be in the fruit basket" and tried to reach in(I'm short) to get him out.. he would NOT budge! So I turned it upside and he wanted to hang there. haha I thought it was funny so I snapped a couple pics. :P




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Well, Ecko has now found a new area to make his own playground. Good luck with stopping him now. :-)


Our wine rack was taken over by Dayo and it has been his official perching and playground area for a few years now.


You might as well start adorning it with hanging toys and getting used to it, maybe even get a bigger one... ;-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/06/27 14:11

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That's SO cute I love it actally it would make a nice little play area for him you'd have to find a new place for your fruit but I'm sure Echo would just love it. That upside down picture is hysterical. I can just picture the whole scene of you saying come out of there and him thinking yea right mom I'm haveing to much fun I ain't going anywhere.HEE HEE:laugh:

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That is very sweet...Its kinda weird, Saturday I got the same scare, I couldnt find Ecko ANYWHERE, I was totally freaking out...My dog knows how to search so I had him smell his cage and the I told him to "search" and THANK GOD he found him, I was under the kitchen table sitting on one of the kitchen chairs, Thats why I couldnt see him when I looked under the table, cuz he was up on one of the chairs that were pushed in....I looked for about a half hour, Then when my baby actually found him, it was like REJOICE! lol...What a SICK feeling when you cant find them...It was like he was playing hide a seek. Glad you found him though! And in such a cute place!

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