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Jackson's Death

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What can be said about this event.. Some words that come to my mind.






Not Surprising

Incredible Loss

Deeply Disturbing


Say what you will about this man. Love him or hate him. We just experienced one of those events that will live on for as long as the human race lives on this planet..


I loved his music and talent. He was a talent beyond any most of us have ever seen or will ever see..

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I'll keep some of my thoughts to myself but I am saddened to hear of his death, I liked his music especially in the early years of his career but then his life took a weird turn and he was never the same but may he rest in peace.


Also on a sad note we lost Farrah Fawcett today too as she lost her battle with cancer.

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I was shocked to hear of the passing of both. My first thoughts on Michael Jackson was that it was a media hoax.


Caesarsdad, your description of feelings it evoked are spot on. Those thoughts when through my mind also.


May they both rest in peace.


Patrick Swayze is not doing so well either. Apparently the pancreatic cancer has spread to his liver.

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Michael...I was shocked this morning to hear of his death.....No matter what he was a brilliant entertainer a icon in the music world with all his weird stuff going on the music world lost a bright star my his soul rest in peace he found a place he could be himself...

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It's one of those events when you will always remember what you were doing when you first heard the news and it's on a par with the deaths of:

Princess Diana


John Lennon and yes Farrah


Yes he was wierd but I think many of his problems were deep-rooted and stem from his childhood. He was also very naive and probably taken advantage of and the press hammered him. Nothing was ever proven against him whatever the rumours. Musically he was a genious and we will never see his like again.

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As CeasarsDad said, say what you will about him but death is always tragic. Michael was a major facet in molding the music and entertainment world as we know it today, and regardless of any speculation or accusations, that is one fact that cannot be denied. I am deeply saddened by the sudden loss of such a great icon, and I personally take solice in the fact that he is finally resting in a place away from the prying eyes and flashing cameras of the world media.


Rest in peace Michael Jackson

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Chimaysmommy, I can't agree more with you.


It is a sad day, but I hope he finally is at peace, because after all the accusations, not findings of guilt, his life spiraled out of control into destruction. I personally don't believe he deserved what happened to him. His music and talent is untouchable.

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I use to watch the Jackson 5 cartoon with my bowl of Raisin Bran. I loved his earlier music and the Thriller album. I have that. When things started getting weirded out with him I started to stray away from his music. I did feel bad for what he was going through. We won't know the real truth but at least he's resting now and he won't be bothered by the media. I do feel sorry for his 3 children and wonder what they are going through with this and what will they be told.WHo will care for them. I feel that the mother shouldnt have the right since she did sign them over and never contacted them.It would be like brining in a total stranger.Im sure when they get older they can decide to contact her.

MJ Rest In Peace. You will be missed.

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I was privalaged to see michael Jackson perform at Aintree race course which is about 10 mins from my house many years ago at the hight of his fame. He was so profesional and talented it took your breath away.I know in later years he went off the rails but I will always remember that concert and the stage presence the man had.I hope he is now at piece with him self and the world.God Bless Michael.

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I agree with Toni about his kids - It doesn't matter what anyone says negatively or positively about him - at the end of the day he leaves three young children - something the media (at least over here) seems not to have taken on board.


I'm not a fan of his, but can appreciate the impact and moulding he had on the music world thru from the 60s. His earlier stuff was indeed better than his later material - but that can be said for a lot of longstanding bands and acts. This "story" will roll on and on ~ but perhaps a little relief for the Fawcett/O'Neal families in that the "spotlight" is greatly removed from their grief x

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I can't say I was shocked but I was surprised at his death. He was such a frail little man but had an enormous impact all over the world. Whether he was guilty of the accusations or not we will never know. It is always in the back of my mind that he was such an icon, people set out to destroy him for personal gain. That's the world we are in today. I never judged as there is that little voice in my head that tells me that he was an innocent loving person & totally misunderstood. I do think he went somewhat insane after the height of his career. I hope he can find peace now.


I had planned to see him if he ever came around to having a concert near me. I am so upset I missed out on one of his concerts. He was one of the greats of our time and probably forever.


Isn't it funny how when people are alive we are nasty and mean and then when they pass we remember the good things and make time to be nice? We should be nicer everyday and not wait untill someone passes to pay a few compliments.<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2009/06/26 22:38

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"Isn't it funny how when people are alive we are nasty and mean and then when they pass we remember the good things and make time to be nice? We should be nicer everyday and not wait untill someone passes to pay a few compliments."


OMG BaxtersMom, you SO hit the nail on the head with that comment!


I've just sat and watched a programme of his life. For all his fame & wealth I don't think he ever found contentment or happiness in his life, it's very sad.

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Joolesgreyuk wrote:

I've just sat and watched a programme of his life. For all his fame & wealth I don't think he ever found contentment or happiness in his life, it's very sad.


Well said and I believe totally accurate. He was a prisoner. Imagine the life or lack of he must have had. Unable to go out on his own. Always under a microscope. Always being stared out. I couldn't imagine how terrible just must have been. And to think this went on in his life since he was 4 years old.. OMG, what a horrible way to live. I don't care how much fame and fortune a person achieves. The trade off isn't worth it. At least it isn't when you are talking Michael Jackson type of fame..


Like many cases like his, he was surrounded by cronies, wanna-bes and the like that are only concerned about lining their pockets with money. What ever MJ wants he gets.. Including drugs.. I hope the investagation in this tragic death reveals the So called doctors that enabled him.


Of course this has all happened many times before. Elvis, Keith Ledger, Anna Nicole, (fill in your own dead star) and now MJ.


But, in the end, there really is only one person to blame.. MJ killed himself.. Not with a bullet to the head, but a slower, more painful method. In his 50 years he gave out way more joy then he ever recieved. I'm sure MJ's Karma is HUGE..

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I'm sitting here at home watching the Today Show and just wanted to make a comment...and I'm speaking just of what I've seen in the media in the US, not sure how it has been since his death in other countries around the world.


I find it rather depressing that not even a week after his passing, it seems that the media has moved on from CELEBRATING his life to CRITICIZING his death. Regardless of what people may or may not think of the accusations against MJ, or what he was like as a person, it is indisputable what his life's work brought to pop culture and the entertainment industry as it is today. It seems to me that the only life he knew was that lived in the eyes of the world media, with people constantly quantifying his worth by what information was provided him by that media. I can only imagine what sort of impact that would have on one's psyche. Don't get me wrong, the world media is definitely a necessary evil to some degree in that industry but I find it very disheartening that he is still being scrutinized even in death.


If I could make one wish for him, it would be that the press pay their respects to him by simply letting him rest in PEACE.

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I agree in some aspects, but let's not forget Elvis, and the mockery that surrounds him and his death...it's all about selling news papers, increasing ratings, etc. every human being deserves to finally find peace. I hope that all the recent celebrities, Michael Jackson, Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, Billy Mays, all have found the peace they deserve. :huh:

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Yes. My heart goes out to those children.He clearely loved them and them him.I hope the chidren grow up in a safe stable environment where they can be themseves and not used as money trees which is my greatest fear for them.

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