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Will the egg hatch?


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Ok I feel like I've been waiting forever, but soon we will find out.


My chosen breeder, who specializes in Amazons, also has CAGs and TAGs but hasn't had any luck with them so far. This year, for the first time, his 2 TAG breeding pairs produced eggs. The eggs from the one pair were not fertile. The other pair produced 3 fertile eggs which he put into the incubator.


One chick died shortly after it hatched, one died before it managed to hatch, and now we are waiting on number three. We should know in the next 4 days. I feel so sad for the other two, but I'm praying that this one will make it.


Please send some positive life force vibes to this little egg in Greece - I so do want to raise it and give it a good home, and above all, if this egg doesn't make it, then I have a dilemma. Do I buy another grey from another pet shop and take my chances (my last grey baby died) or should I buy a different parrot from him?

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I really hope this baby hatches for you Renate! I am sending best vibes all the way to Greece. ;)


I really wouldn't take your chances with the petstore you got Alex from. That was just horrible and I know you wouldn't want to go through that again.


If this doesn't work out for you then maybe search for a reliable petstore that has good references or another breeder that has good references. I wouldn't rush into getting a bird right away, just be patient and you will soon find your companion. There is still hope for this egg to hatch so I will keep my fingers crossed for you. I know how bad you want a parrot but make sure you get the one you really want.


Good luck Renate! I am hoping for the best. :)

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I have my fingers crossed that this one is going to hatch and be just fine, you have a lot of members who will pull for you but then sometimes these things happen for a reason, sometimes nature takes its own choice but good vibes coming your way Renate.

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Hello all. Thanks so much for all the love coming this way - it gives me encouragement and certainly helps the cosmic consciousness!!


No news yet, but as for reasons why, the breeder mentioned that he miscalculated the age of the eggs and tried to assist the first chick by helping to open the egg. He realized it was too soon and the chick was too weak. The second one he left alone and it couldn't get out (too dry?). It was a bad cell phone connection. He was on site feeding 50 babies and I could hardly hear him through all the background screeching LOL! He just reiterated that he doesn't have luck with greys (that belief doesn't help either).


Anyhow I'm out of town for a few days and won't be on line much, but I wanted to thank you all for your support and will write when I get news.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well the news is unfortunate. The last chick didn't make it either. I guess it's not meant to be right now, because when I went back to the pet shop (not the one I bought Alex from) to visit a CAG I've been petting for the last 3 months, he was gone too... so even my wavering reserve about not buying another imported bird was squashed.


I also spoke to another breeder in Athens who I had not contacted before and he told me that he had no eggs so far this year at all. Not a good year for reproduction it seems... This same breeder also gave me a good reference for the one I've been dealing with all along, so it only strengthened my resolve to purchase a bird from him, whatever it is...


I will still get my TAG or CAG but later on it seems. For now, it looks like my next baby is going to be a yellow fronted amazon. He also has yellow naped and double yellow head but I will not get those because unfortunately you cannot get a CITES certificate in Greece right now if you want to export the bird (in case I relocate?). I don't want to take the chance.


I went to visit him yesterday and confirmed my gut feelings about him. You can see that his birds adore him and he loves what he does. I think I'd rather get a great non-traumatized healthy baby amazon from him than to get a questionable CAG from a pet shop again... at least for now. He suggested I get a male bird. His experience has been that birds tend to prefer humans of the opposite sex more frequently. Do any of you have an opinion on this?


P.S. Does anyone have a yellow fronted amazon??









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I have a female YFA and she is the most sweetest, cuddliest most adorable bird She is 12 years old and even when she is hormonal she is as sweet as can be except she wants to nest everywhere. I heard that the males can get very aggresive during a homonal bout especialy during the ages of 8 through 18 after that they learn to deal with their feelings better. I would say your better off with a female and the thing about a male or female bonds better with the opposite sex is a myth I have 3 female birds and they are totally bonded to me and I'm a female. I would say a female Amazon is a much better choice but its up to you. Very cute little baby by the way.


066.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/07/13 19:41

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Renate, I have a female Timneh and she is totally my bird. I believe if you let the bird pick you it doesn't matter if it is a male or female the bond is there. I am so sorry about the egg. Keeping looking for the fid that is right for you, grey or not when you find your companion, you will both know! Good luck!

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Awe thats too bad about that little egg. :(


But you know the way I look at it is: It wasn't meant for you right now. For whatever reason it was not meant to be.

Thats ok...maybe down the road you will see why.


Good luck with your search and I hope you find the perfect birdie.



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Awwww thanks gals. Appreciate your advice and encouragement.


I would also prefer a female for the same reasons you mentioned. The breeder has a female and a male which are both almost ready to go to homes. He really likes the female (his personal favorite), thinks she is very sweet.


I told him I would like to take a bird home at the end of August so that my vacation will be over and I won't stress out the little birdie by having to take it on long car trips, etc. when I first get him home. (We have some property with a small trailer on it 4 1/2 hours drive.) (Of course he mentioned that the amazon won't have a problem - that they are not like the greys and won't stress out...)


I asked him if he could keep the bird for me until the end of August but he said that since he's feeding and caring for a lot of babies, once it's fully weaned he won't have time to spend with it and it may suffer from lack of socialization.


He said that in any case he will have more 3 YHAs ready at the end of August and I can choose from those, otherwise I should take the sweet female. Also I don't think my husband is too keen on complicating our short vacation time (due to my newish job) even more by having the baby bird AND the two kittens to take care of...


What do you think?


P.S. Sorry, that photo was just an Amazon pic I found - it's not one of the birds at the breeders. I should have taken photos but I forgot in my excitement...next time!


Post edited by: HappyinGreece, at: 2009/07/14 09:18<br><br>Post edited by: HappyinGreece, at: 2009/07/14 13:24

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I had a long talk with the breeder this morning about this. My vacation days were finalized yesterday and I will be back sooner so I asked him when the yellow crowned amazon female would be fully weaned. He told me in a week or so, which is way too soon for me. He said if I chose one of the younger ones three weeks from now I will be better off. He said that the younger bird will bond more readily (one that's just been weaned) and that is the main thing. He admitted that a male amazon may be tougher to deal with when the hormones kick in, but that having raised over 500 of them over the last 20 years he can safely say that the males prefer women and vice versa. He said that he can tell which

are male and which are female simply by the way they behave towards him! He said that if I (and my daughter)am going to be the main caretaker (which is

true)that it will make a big difference in the end (when it comes to being bitten LOL!)


In any case, I will see which bird wants to come home with me, in the end....


P.S. check out my new kitty pics in the cat owners topic... :P<br><br>Post edited by: HappyinGreece, at: 2009/07/15 14:49

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