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Just wondering if you feel the same.


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{Feel-good-00020114}I must admit that I always imagined or assumed that african greys were reserved or had a stoic demeanor. That was fine with me and pretty much in line with why I was drawn to pionus parrots and african greys.


I did not think that they could be so extroverted as in the case of Emma. Was I incorrect in thinking that this was the general case or did most of you think the same?

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When I met her at 11 weeks old I was told that she was very quiet,timid and was always hiding behind her older sister.


I'm starting to think that I met her at the right time to help shape who she is today.


I am a first time african grey owner and never really had any hands on experience with african greys before Emma. Thanks to Emma I'm really starting to believe that a good start in life is so imperative - this means regular and frequent handling and interaction. When I think back to the african grey that I thought I was purchasing that day I first met her.. I really never imagined it would be like this today, nonetheless I am pretty thrilled. If Emma is an indication of what is possible.... all I can say to all of you african grey parronts is to never neglect or compromise on regular interaction and hands on contact with your grey. They really do need it in order to thrive.{Feel-good-00020114}<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/06/25 21:48

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I totally agree with the hands on approch and I do mean hands on I don't just have Adaya perching on my hands, arm, or finger. in fact that's rare I hold her like a Baby or cup my hands around her or I hold her like she was a cat or small animal but she is always always in someway close to my body when I am holding her and she loves it she's very confident and isn't afraid of anything yes sometime a little leary at first but not afraid she pretty secure when it comes to checking out new things. I do hope this continues as she gets older at this point she the best thing that ever happened to me. Then again I say that about all my birds I just love them soso much. Even Tyco who was a rescue isn't afraid of much she excepts new toys easily and loves to try new Things as in foods and games I teach her. so all and all I'd say they're pretty happy well adjusted birds.

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I too have read on the forum and elsewhere that the African Grey doesn't like new experiences and is generally a quiet and reserved personallity. Tobie can get nervous - don't get me wrong - but he generally enjoys sitting on my shoulder for walks around the lake and car rides with lots of tail swishing. He doesn't care for strangers coming into the house but what an extravert when it's just Frank myself and Tobie. He has such a great sense of humor and keeps me laughing. What an acrobat he is, flipping upside down and when I say "be careful" he lets go hanging by one leg waving the other and saying "AAOOOOOWWWWWW"

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Hmmm--well I don't own a CAG but am loving slave to a TAG and I find that he doesn't hold up to the AG personality profile at all (when he first came home he did--but he had been neglected and traumatised in his previous homes so I'm not suprised). With the exception of a few things nothing really bothers him--he's alert but definetly not shy or reclusive--and if the dog comes into the room-- LOOK OUT lol Jacko's on the prowl.

All the CAG's I've ever met (both young and adult) held up to the stereotype of being standoffish and reserved--kinda snobby almost lol :P.

I've only met two TAG's (mine and a baby at the pet store) but they were much more in extroverted and courageous, lol not to mention goofy.

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Alcazar is like Emma. I can't complain much.He gets excitied now when he sees new toys.He loves company coming.Loves the daycare kids except for one cause the baby has red hair. Is a very good bird.The only thing I complain about is that he talks too much and he purposely throws his food out with his talon when Im busy on the computer. Lets me pet him.Hes pretty cool.

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