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Everything posted by greyday87

  1. Haha that is too funny about Bailey! Loki was hanging upside down again while I held him and I was asking him if he was a chicken also :-) now when I am holding him and he wants to flip he walks to the end of my hand and leans until I flip him, I am going to try and teach him to do the bomb whistle that he loves so much while he is falling!
  2. He is too funny if he climbs down and I am busy I will put him back on his cage and go back to whatever I was doing, maybe 5 minutes later he is climbing back down again and if I put him back a few times he starts sneaking down the back of the cage and will climb onto the couch behind my head :-) Half of the time when he does this I don't even notice him until he makes a noise behind me!
  3. Loki recently picked up our security alarm sound, it chimes twice and announces what door is open. Whenever we are trying to sleep in on the weekends now he does the two chimes perfectly then announces front door open :-). He has also started making the squeeky sound from the treadmill whenever I leave the room!
  4. Thank you guys, Loki was a crazy bird today! Brat Bird I love your signature (?)photo :-)
  5. Thank you, I will look at that now!
  6. Hi, Loki is around 9 months old so I think some molting is normal for him, the question I have is the spot on his stomach that seems like its missing some feathers, is it normal molting or plucking?? He doesn't show any signs of stress and I don't see him over preening or plucking. I attached a picture, its the white tuft part on his belly.
  7. So Loki decided this morning that I could not drink my coffee in peace! Every time I would put him back on his cage he was climbing back down to say hello. He is really getting into the whistling, he is starting to do the Andy Griffin song . He also has the door chime and alarm sound down, whenever he feels like getting us up in the morning he does the door chime and the alarm voice saying of "front door open" lol he's a crazy one! He is not a fan of my sister anymore, he lunges at her when she closes his cage door but sometimes he will give her kisses when he is out of his cage, usually in the morning when he is on the counter eating his veggies. I posted a little while ago that I got him a boing, at first he didn't like it but now he spends all his time on it! I will include a picture of him enjoying a bottle cap on it. He also finally trusts me to hold him while he is hanging upside down, he spent a good 10 minutes this morning twirling around upside down on my hand, mainly trying to get my camera while I was trying to take a picture of him. Thanks for looking
  8. Thanks, he was clicking at it at first but he was walking on it a few minutes ago, he seems to braver when I am around!
  9. So I finally broke down and bought him a boing, he was so uncoordinated when I first brought him home I left the generic perch as an easy way for him to to get across his cage. Well it arrived today and I can't say that he is excited yet BUT I am hopeful, my sisters eclectus loves his so we shall see :-)
  10. Thank you guys :-) he is very chatty now also, he is starting to change his tone so his sounds don't all sound robotic lol
  11. He is adorable! I love that it looks like he is posing for the photo
  12. Hi everyone! I know it has been awhile, as I said before I have to wait to post now until I can use my sisters computer so it takes me a lot longer! Loki (formerly Thane) is doing great! He is still a complete cuddle bug with me, usually around 5:30 he comes down and sits with me for a good hour long head rub before bed. He has gotten a little nippy with my sister now usually when she is going to take him out of or put him back in his cage. This doesn't happen often but he is pretty serious with his bites when he does bite her. I am happy to report that when I had family up for the Holidays he did really well, he growled at a few people but calmed down after a minute. This was the first time he really experienced a house full of new people, so I was happy with my little guy! He is doing OK with his relationship with my sister eclectus Yoshi, although they are both kind of going through some hormonal changes so they definitely aren't BFF's! He is eating really well, although I am disappointed that he would not even try the pomegranate that I got for him! The pictures are of him eating snow peas, he really seems to like these and has finally figured out how to get the peas out of the pod
  13. I didnt realize you had Loki's sister! He must have stolen all of the food because he just keeps getting bigger and bigger lol I havent heard anything about Roger.
  14. Thanks! Yea I am definitely trying to get him used to his harness but I want to go slow so he doesn't get scared.
  15. It's been awhile Thane now officially Loki is doing great! He is still super sweet, if anything more so because he is more trusting. He whistles and almost has I love you, what are you doing, and areba He now eats a little bit of everything and not just grapes! Every time I put him near Yoshi my sisters SI Eclectus he throws his head down and fluffs his feathers so Yoshi can groom him, Yoshi just stares at him lol Today was the first time I brought him outside because the temperature was perfect. He was scared at first but he seemed to really like it after a few minutes! Yoshi had just gotten a bath
  16. Thank you guys, I will have to try the ice cube in the water!
  17. Thane is doing great :-) he is such a sweet adorable little grey. He has started eating more then just grapes finally lol he has been home for almost a month now and he is filling out a lot! Probably because he eats all the time. He is starting to get the wolf whistle probably because Yoshi my sisters SI eclectus does it all the time. He also does a lot of clicking sounds and a very deep sounding trill when he is excited which he has done since we brought him home. We are going to introduce Yoshi and Thane next week, hopefully it goes well! He is definitely not a fan of baths, he gets one once a week and i have tried every different method that i can think of. The pics are from this morning, he was a little more OK with it this morning so maybe the shower is the way to go. He has been non stop chatty since his bath lol welll in between grooming and running around growling at his toys
  18. Well so far besides pouting and making a mess by tossing his food out everywhere he did grudgingly eat two cherry tomatoes. I had no idea he could pout like this, at one point he walked over and started biting the wall.
  19. So Thane has been doing great since he came home when ever I visited him i would bring him different fruits and veggies and he ate almost all of them except grapes. The weird thing is now that he is home the only thing he eats is grapes. I mean he still eats his pellets but no matter what fruit or veggie i give him to eat he will only eat the grapes. Even when i dont put grapes down for him he will just chirp and throw everything on the ground looking for them. I have tried mini cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, peppers, corn, beans, broccoli, etc and he wont eat them. How can i change this??
  20. Like the title says just a little Thane bonding :-) he has been exploring his cage for the past couple of days and i thinking enjoying his freedom lol Today though he just wanted to sit on my hand and chew on everything his long little neck could reach
  21. kins2321@yahoo.com Thanks I just want him to get used to a bunch of different toys while he's young, so far he loves every toy he can get his beak on :-) . I actually got his name from the mass effect game, his characters personality is very African grey like. And yay I am so happy I moved his food up and now he has been chowing down in his cage lol
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