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Everything posted by NotMyCupOfTea

  1. Thanks for the suggestion! I've been meaning to tidy up the wire, but I did not think of that!
  2. I've been thinking a while now how to make a play stand with an easy to clean debris catcher. This is what I came up with We've been using it for about 4 months now and has been great. I swap the drop cloth once a week. Throw it in the wash while I use the other cloth. No more than 10 minutes a week for clean up, (time is important to me). Problems I was trying to solve with this. -A perch Adrienne couldn't climb off of. -A perch that could be easily cleaned. -A perch that could catch 90% of debris and the roomba would be able to freely clean under. -I also didn't want Adrienne to be able to be in contact with the PVC, so I made the center stick to descend far enough down that it would discourage her from climbing down it. She has not gotten on the debris-catcher yet. I'm posting this because I couldn't find what I was looking for and hope that it will be helpful to others. I'm also looking for any feedback for improvement. Thanks!
  3. Thanks, I've had Adrian from a adoption for a couple years. Her flight feathers have still not completely returned. Is this usual? It hurts me that she is almost 12 years old now and still doesn't know what it is to have a full set of feathers!
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