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Everything posted by SRSeedBurners

  1. Thanks Greytness. I had one of those Prevue carriers before I discovered the Kings Cages. It got scrapped, way too heavy. I'm hoping I don't have to resort to one of those again.
  2. That is the cage. THat page is either a scam or severly out of date. Check out the delivery date: 2020/08/28. THat date isn't written the way we write dates here in 'merica so it looks very fishy to me.
  3. I'd definitely look at an alternative. I used to have one of the Pervue steel carriers and it was so damn heavy I scrapped it for steel when I found these aluminum carriers. Got any ideas?
  4. You must be outside my 500 mile max marketplace search limit. I check the measurements, that's the small one. Not sure I would sleep a Grey in that one. Good for trip to the car/vet etc!
  5. Talon, where did you find that? That might be the smallest version they used to make.
  6. I am looking (for two years) for the Kings Cages aluminum travel cages that were discontinued by KingsCages during the pandemic. I have the medium one that we use as Huey's sleep cage since the big baby cannot sleep by himself (with the other birdies) in the aviary. He has to be next to momma otherwise he chews his feet. I have also moved Greycie into the bedroom on my side as she has night panics. It's terrifying to hear her thrashing around in her big cage and I'm sure one day I will lose her, so she now sleeps on a perch next to us. The problem now is, she has figured out how to flop into the bed in the middle of the night, sometimes I notice and put her back, sometimes I wake up with a Grey sleeping on my forehead. This is too dangerous so we are looking for a sleep cage for her. Below is what I'm after. I have had a CL and Farcebook MarketPlace watch for a couple of years and a few have popped up. Either they are too far away and won't ship or the one local I tried to snag got sold out from under me before I could get there. Let me know if you know anyone looking to sell! Kings Cages small travel carrier Kings Cages medium travel carrier
  7. I'm late too but Happy New Year! GreycieMae actually tanked up on eggnog news years day. What a piggy.
  8. Sorry to hear about the recall. Found it humorous that your birds have you feeding them frozen waffles and only a certain brand. Who's running that show anyway?!? My birds have me trained on Honey Grahams. And we call them 'cookies' around here. They go wild when I ask 'who wants a cookie?'. GreycieMae will hang from the cabinet door where the cookies are stored.
  9. Alfie looks like he has some Huey'tude. He has that grumpy old man look just like Huey.
  10. Wow, Alfie went shopping! I would love to go to that and take my GreycieMae.
  11. When I was stationed in California I rode through a quake. You always imagine what they are like and then when you are in one it's totally different. I remember the rise and fall of the building we were in and some back and forth in different directions. When it was over all the trees and street lights were swaying. Very weird experience.
  12. Not sure why they have to be so darn cute.
  13. I love how zon's talk and sing.
  14. Talon, your home reminds me of that song "I'm gonna hire a wino" [to decorate our home]. Only it looks like you hired parrots. 🤣
  15. We moved into a house with really high angled ceilings and haven't seen any crash landings. Are they actually crashing into the walls? Only think we've had issues with is a mirror on the wall in the living room that Huey and Seewee have mistaken for the door to the other section of the house and flew right into it. It now has a blanket on it.
  16. I have to lock Huey up when I clean up those piles or do any messing around in 'HIS' bird room. He's very possessive of his room.
  17. oh oh....I see some spoiled rotten Greys in this thread 🥰. Is that a green bean Timber has in there 🤣
  18. You know that "tell us blah blah blah without telling us blah blah blah"? Grey version: "Tell us your Greys are completely spoiled rotten without telling us your Greys are completely spoiled rotten"
  19. Who knew Timmies were such piggies 🤣
  20. It's been super quiet around here. GreycieMae is busy teaching (and using) mommy to get her morning nut. If not fast enough she flies down to the floor and will start ankle biting or attacking a toe. She will actually lead Marietta to the door that leads into the cubboard where the nuts are stashed. When Marietta gets the nut, GreycieMae will then lead her to the counter where I have a casserole dish waiting and will crack the nut for them. Huey has taken up a new role as Chief-of-Organization. Marietta usually takes him in with her and they both get their faces put-on. Huey has taken to de-cluttering her pull-out drawer. He loves tossing hair scrunchies, glasses, anything paper or cardboard. The drawer looks real nice when he's done, but everything is on the floor I guess waiting for the trash man? Would love to see a video of Alfie's new noises. I love how they pick up stuff, especially anything laced with sarcasm. I think it's ingrained in them.
  21. Oops....sorry, I though my humor made it through the posting. I was making fun because he tucked that footy in so tight it couldn't be seen. Huey has two legs. He uses both of them to kick my butt when I'm not picking up on his cues that he's thirsty, hungry, tired of me, etc.... Here he is showing the excellent workmanship he does
  22. Huey has a toe that sits forward instead of back. I think it bugs me more than him. I've pulled it back a few times and it goes right back. He also lost a leg fighting in the trenches during the great war so now he's a peg leg. 🤣
  23. I have an amazing gift to be able to make both my wife and her bird, Huey, very cranky. When I see this posture, I better watch out. Huey has been known to launch full flight and attack me, usually because I'm doing something I've been warned about repeatedly, like sticking that damn camera in my face 🤣
  24. I'll need to add GreycieMae more often but Huey is such a clown I have to add a story about him. Both Huey and GreycieMae workout with Daddy. Most of the time we all pile into the spare bedroom where I have my bike setup on a trainer and we blast the music. Greycie LOVES loud tunes, she hops onto my back and gets all goosey while I pedal and do whatever workout I'm doing that day. Lately, the wife has been watching some fart pranks on youtube while we all relax in bed in the evenings just before lights out. Some of them are hilarious and we laugh and laugh. Huey has obviously taken notes. So today, my workout has been ab rollers and off-bike stuff out the back door into the aviary where they hang out during the day. I started doing them there because the birds get a real kick out of watching me. I started doing them and on the back stroke I let out a RAWWWWRRRRR just like Huey always does. He taught me this. But today on about the fourth rep, he rips a a long fart noise and giggles. I know he's been watching our fart pranks on TV after that little episode. What a prankster.
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