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Mickeys Mom

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Everything posted by Mickeys Mom

  1. I heed this warning and would never ever use this harnass on my boy. - pormise.
  2. Oh my boy heard the "F" word from my teenage brother. Well the other day I had him at our Avian Vet whom worked a little rough with him. When he let go of him and put him on the examination table, he darted accros to me and when he got to me he turned around and then said " I am "F" ing angry!! SToppit!!!. Both the doctor and myself looked at one another - i was horrified and we could not help but to giggle in our sleeves. You have to be SO carefull around these wondefull animals. I love him to death.
  3. What a pitty. Does not look like there are any interested persons here. Was worth a try though.
  4. No its almost right but let met translate for you. I started a Facebook Page about the African Grey Parrot, but my intended audience was Afrikaans Speaking people whom owned African Grey Parrots. No disrespect was intended, but there are few or no Groups for Afrikaans speaking people who need to talk about their fids and learn from one another. I cant find any documents, audio or books in Afrikaans for African Grey Parrots and when you are trying to teach your bird words, there are thousands of links, groups and places where one finds articles about this. I am just trying to create a small space where likeminded people speaking Afrikaans can come to share tips and stories about their fids. Hope this explained it better than my initial story and that people would come and take a look for themselves and perhaps give me some pointers where possible on getting it set up more professionally.
  5. @ Greywings. I really wont mind doing it if you are interested. I can share some of the words my Grey is saying with you and tell you the meaning if that is what you mean.
  6. Ek hoop nie ek gaan in die moeilikheid kom hieroor nie, maar wil so graag bietjie meer mense oornooi om by ons Page te kom aansluit. Ons het n Afrikaanse Facebook Page geskep vir die van julle wat graag wil aansluit, volg net die skakel https://www.facebook.com/AfricanGreyPapegaai
  7. Hello Piper. My name is Chantelle and I am also from South Africa. I sent you a friend request, and hope you will accept.

  8. Mickey also goes crazy when he plays with his favourite toy. I usually put him outside in the Aviary during the warm summer days and every now and again he screetches and screams whilst attacking the toy hanging upside down. I got such a fright the first time this happended i almost fainted thinkis he was hurt or something bit him.
  9. DEJavu - I have exactly the same issues. Mickey takes up most of my day, I dont like being away from im for long periods. If I do go shopping or on business, I cant wait to get back home, and he is the first place I go to when I walk in the door. I also talk to all my friends and family constantly, showing pictures and telling them of every new word he says or every funny thing he does. I sometimes see that they are getting a bit bored by my bird talking and I dont care. I simply look for somone else that wants to listen - lol. I knew he had my heart the morning I woke up and rushed to the cage to open him up and greet him, before greeting anyone else. I spend most of my time making toys for him or browsing the internet for things related to CAGS.
  10. I love these cuddly stories. Mickey is two now and since I got him at a very young age, I take him from his cage witch is open most of the time. I place him on my shoulder and sit on the bed with the notebook doing my work. He will then also nibble at my face, hair, ears and nose and sometimes make those baby noises wilst trying to kiss me. This works well for me because he and I are bonding wilst im working - lol, and when he is tired he pull up one leg, puffs up and sits sleeping on my shoulder untill I say ok boy nite nite and then put him in his cage for sleeping time. Sometimes he just wants to be impossible and pretends to want to play - then the struggle starts to get him to go into his cage, but he knows when im serious and when he can push the envelope just a little. They are so clever.
  11. Please let us know if she changed back to her usual self or if you are still having issues with her. I would really like to know and it would be helpfull because I have a 2 year old and have heard about the terrible twos.
  12. Mickey had a seriously bad clip from a groomer and I have been doing all the right things to help with new feather growth for the past 9 months now, but it just seems to take forever. He has since had to have a small operation to repair a split keel due to that bad clip and I vowed never ever to have him clipped by anyone but my Avian Vet again. We dont realise the severity of these actions untill its to late. I hope your parrots new feathers come out faster and that he wont pluck again.
  13. This sounds like a phase, because my boy did the same at this age, but I never ever ever left him unattended or out of the cage when im not at home. This does not sound very safe for the parrot.
  14. THis made me laugh, because I have a 2 year old CAG and he does exactly the same. He says, hello in the right ways and contect and if I or anyone else talk to him or one another in his vacinity, he would say what. If I shout at the dog he wil say, ok,ok,ok mommy. They definately know how to use the words in the right context. Oh and he also goes to the cage door, nips at the lock and say come take me out, open the door pleeeeeeez, I want to go to granny.
  15. Thanks so mutch to all of the members for the Welcome messages. You really make us feel right at home. I could not help but to notice that there were so many requests for photos of my boy and I will upload some as soon as possible. I really just cant stop reading throught the variety of topics in the Forum, but as soon as I can get myself to stop and take a break, the pics will come. Thanks once again. Oh before I forget. I dont know if you noticed but I am from South Africa and would really love to make more contact with people here and if possible Afrikaans speaking would be wonderfull. Have a blessed day to you all.
  16. Hello friends, I just joined this forum and hope me and my boy Mickey will spend lots of time with our new friends.
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