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Everything posted by Myshelf

  1. Did you sell this cage? It was quite a ways back but I'm looking for a stainless steel cage.
  2. They have two different seed mixes: AFD-Psittacine: Hulled Sunflower Seed, Whole Yellow Corn, Whole Oat, Brown Rice, Hi Pro Wheat Berry, Whole Green Pea, Garbanzo, Mung Bean, Buckwheat, Millet, Fenugreek, Pumpkin Seed, Sesame Seed, Quinoa, Radish Seed, Mustard Seed, Red Clover Seed and AFD-Micrograin: Triticale, Rice, Millet, Alfalfa, Fenugreek, Buckwheat, Fennel, Flax Seed, Dill Seed, Sesame Seed, Amaranth, Quinoa, Mung Bean, Radish Seed, and Red Clover Seed
  3. What do you think about the China Prairie Company seeds for sprouting? This is what I'm currently feeding as it was recommended by the breeder.
  4. I will definitely try these things. It's funny about the landing on my head, he'll be on my forearm and I can see him getting ready to fly to the top of my head so I can get my other forearm up in time and he lands on that before getting to my head. Sometimes he does this several times in a row, it's a great workout for my reflexes! He is already getting better about the nibbling on me, maybe he's got my texture down for the most part. He still every now and again bite and really gets into my skin, he's in a timeout for that right now. Time for his parole though, so back to baby wrangling!
  5. He is home!! He seems to be adapting remarkably well. He comes out of his cage and flies over to me, flies between me and my boyfriend, makes all sorts of little chirps and noises, and preens everywhere. He is adorable. The only thing is he is obsessed with trying to fly onto either my head or my boyfriend's, as well as climb on our shoulders. A lot of his playtime has been trying to keep him from doing that and trying to keep him from chewing on us. He is definitely way into biting on things and it seems our skin is way more satisfying than whatever I'm trying to get him to chew on at the time. Now when he starts to bite at the hand of the arm he's perched on I just rotate my wrist so he looses his balance and has to sit upright to regain it, while saying no. It seems to mostly work. If he keeps trying for my hands it's back to the cage to chew on his toys there. At least he really seems to enjoy them when he's in there! Here are a couple of pics I've managed to get of him.
  6. I hope you get everything all sorted out. Sometimes there's assistance for some of the medical bills if you call in and speak to the billing dept. Definitely serious stuff on the diagnosis but at least you were where you were when you heard the news and didn't just have a stroke or heart attack. Wishing you healing and strength to get through any diet they may throw at you!
  7. I was notified yesterday that my TAG is finally done weaning and am setting up to pick him up next week. I figured it'd be about time to introduce myself then. My name is Michelle and this will be my first parrot, I do have a Green Cheek Conure as well. I live in San Diego, CA and am currently going to school to be a Holistic Health Practitioner. I am super excited to finally be getting the grey that I've wanted for over a decade and the next few days will be finishing setting up/birdproofing for our little baby to come home. I think his name will be Tyrion, but will definitely have to see if it suits him when I meet him. Here are a couple of pictures I got from the breeder.
  8. Indeed. It was such a perfect imitation I kept waiting for the bird to speak and kept wondering why you were repeatedly telling him about putting your shirt on. Then I remembered how great of imitators CAGs are! Duh!
  9. So cute!! I wish I could visit my baby before he's weaned but the breeder is closed to visitors. Just living vicariously through everyone else's baby pictures and stories for a couple more weeks.
  10. I was ordering through Petco, their cages are all on sale right now.
  11. So, I guess the order for the first cage did not get canceled and is being shipped, along with the other cage shortly. Would the 1" bar spacing be too big for a TAG? The other cage is just so much smaller, but I can't seem to find a cage I like that is big with the 3/4" bar spacing.
  12. Thanks for re-updating this thread. They had sold out of all of the palm oils just a couple of days ago, but I looked back right now and was able to get the 67oz for 22 dollars. Yes!!
  13. I called and left a message. I will speak with them and we'll see where things go. At least I know whichever grey I get, I'll have all the help I can get through this forum, and I greatly appreciate that
  14. Just over 200 miles from me. I don't know if I would have what it takes to rehab a CAG as a first time Grey owner though.
  15. The 67oz shows to cost $65 to me, the cheapest I see is there's a 33oz, with shipping of $10 comes to $25. I'd so much rather see what you're seeing
  16. The price has gone up drastically on Amazon. Reading the comments, it appears to have gone up because Dr. Oz has mentioned it on his show, so it's going to be the fad health thing for a bit.
  17. Around the end of January or beginning of February, depending on when he weans. His name is Tyrion. Thank you to everyone that is a part of this forum for so many questions and answers. I have poured through these pages for the past couple of weeks and it has been such a great source of info!
  18. I went ahead and changed the order to a cage that was already approved by forum members in another thread. Saved quite a bit of money, too, so now I have more money to spend on toys and perches!
  19. Sorry for skipping the introduction, I've been lurking the forums soaking up information while waiting for my TAG to wean. I had just picked out a cage today and ordered it, but apparently failed in my research for TAG bar spacing. The cage that I ordered today has one inch bar spacing. Should I cancel this order and find a smaller cage with the 3/4" spacing? *sigh* I had finally narrowed it down to a cage...
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