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Everything posted by paleale

  1. We've been visiting these babies since the beginning of December and recently got the DNA back. After careful consideration, we have chosen the baby GIRL! From earlier this week (Baby Girl is in the back): From our visit last weekend: We really had a difficult time choosing. I would take both if I could! In the end, Baby Girl is coming home with us partially due to the breeder's suggestion and otherwise because she's the one I seem to be drawn to when I visit. Now for the name... If our 6-year-old had his wish, we would call her "Toothless" as per his suggestion. Number one name right now is Sway because of her cute little klutzy parrot baby swagger when she "walks" and second place is Crush because she's due to come home around Valentine's day. I will keep everyone updated! We are shopping for our travel cage and some other items this weekend and tomorrow's project is assembling the cage to be sure we have all the pieces. Wow, mid-February is approaching fast!
  2. Nice to meet you! Looking forward to some pictures!
  3. Love the one of them all covered in wood chips! Looks like a New Year's Eve Baby Grey party!
  4. Love the birdy truffle idea! Thank you for the weekly videos!
  5. I wondered if that's what it was!
  6. We got to see the babies again this weekend! This is baby #2 and he's definitely surpassed his or her older brother or sister. Our breeder thinks he's a he because of his size and the feathers coming in around his eyes. We joke that he's actually a baby Vulture! Love his big noggin: My son snuggling with baby #1 (who we're guessing is probably a girl...): I tried to get a shot of their red tail feathers coming in! They're growing so fast and choosing between the two is going to be tough! :eek:
  7. Fortunately I've got an jump on things, so of it comes in damaged I have plenty of time to try for another. I ordered it late Tuesday night so it should be here soon! Just got our Christmas tree taken down and the cage is going in its spot. I will get it put together before my husband gets home (that way I won't hear "This is HUGE! Does that little bird really need all that space?!"). I'll take pictures once it's put together! Thanks for the opinions, guys! My breeder thought it was a good find too.
  8. I will never complain about traffic again!
  9. Beauuuuutiful! That blue color is just gorgeous!
  10. They are all adorable! In the second picture he or she looks like she's grinning. Love it! What made you choose this baby? I've heard the pinkish-white toes could indicate the baby being (having?) a "red factor". Very cute!
  11. Hello Anderson! I recently joined, myself, and have learned loads. There is a lot to read and everyone is friendly and helpful. Welcome to the group! Do you own an African Grey?
  12. Were you able to choose your Grey? If so, how did you choose? :confused: I thought I'd made a decision between the two babies, but after the last two visits, I'm leaning towards the other baby. My breeder isn't putting pressure on me at all to pick one or the other, but I'd like to give her a decision. Originally I'd chosen "Baby #2". He or she has a white toenail and the breeder mentioned there is a possibility the baby is a red factor. I understand this is only a possibility, but it definitely interested me. He or she also seemed to be the calmer of the two. My last two visits I've found I spend a lot of time with "Baby #1". He or she is very sweet and today the baby cuddled on my chest for at least 10 minutes, nuzzled right against my neck. Now I'm thinking this is my baby! I'm very lucky that the family of the other baby is indifferent towards the CAG they end up with. They live out of town and unfortunately don't have the chance to visit as I do. Our breeder is sending DNA off tomorrow to determine the sex of the babies. She thinks maybe that will help me come to a final decision, but I really don't think I have a preference between male or female. I'm not normally so indecisive. It's a huge commitment and I want to make the right decision. Here they are from my visit today... You can even see Baby #2's little white toenail!: After dinner video:
  13. Great information! They are very reasonably priced at Target too (and free shipping!). http://www.target.com/p/green-pan-10pc-ceramic-non-stick-interior-cookware-set/-/A-13829794#prodSlot=medium_1_10&term=green pan Looks like I'll be doing some shopping today.
  14. Honestly, I would've never considered looking for a parrot cage on Petco's website (I don't even know how I ended up there at this point...). But this seems like a good size, good price, and I even like the color. http://www.petco.com/Shop/Product.aspx?sku=1282000 I'm not set on this, but would like any opinions. Thank you!
  15. A mansion! It's beautiful and he or she looks very happy for herself!
  16. As always, you guys are awesome. Thank you very much for the tips, advice, and opinions!
  17. danmcq, that's an awesome idea! We live about 45 minutes away, but that is totally doable on a Saturday or Sunday. I'm sure our breeder will be okay with it too. Thank you!
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