I've had several bites from Jesse. I have learned to take the pain and get over it. Last night took the cake. )-; we got Jesse last November. She was approximately 9 years old. I've learned some of the things that cause her to bite and I stay away from them. She has two cages, one to sleep in the bedroom and one in the living room. We have a morning ritual. I will walk by her two or three times talking to her before I attempt to pick her up, otherwise she bites. My bf drives semi so he is only home a few days a week. She has gotten to where she will bite me, even after our ritual if he is in the room. So I just leave her in there until he gets up and gets her. Last night he came home. She was on my shoulder for a while and when I backed up to her cage to let her back on, she totally attacked my face. She grabbed the side of my face and tried to play tug of war with it. Then she let go and grabbed my ear several times jerking it. I ended up having to lean over real quick to throw her off balance and she flew onto couch where I left her. I cried for I don't know how long. Although there was blood everywhere, it hurt my feelings more than anything!! He picked her up after a few minutes and locked her in her cage. Usually if she doesn't want to go back to her cage, she will just scoot higher up my arm or go to my other shoulder. Not sure what brought on the attack. I don't want to not have anything to do with her when he is home, but I tired of getting bitten when he is here!! He doesn't think she likes him because when she first met everyone she would bite. After she decides you are ok she ceases to bite unless she has a "reason". I know one thing.. No more shoulder rides!!