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Everything posted by forummehta

  1. Ive noticed a couple of times that Miki (my approx 4 yr old CAG) has tried to jump out of a glass window..I guess she's trying to escape..Its just a month since I got her and noticed her do this 4-5 times. I'm kind of getting worried that is it really an attempt to escape? I feel bad that she's not happy and I'm depriving her of her freedom. But I can't release her because she would surely die. How do I comfort her? Also, do CAG's have mood swings? Like..the last weekend, Miki was accepting food from me happily but this weekened she just throws it off no matter how hungry she is? I hope its not a sign of depression..Please let me know if you guys face similar problems.
  2. I think yes if she really really wants to take care of one.. If its just a pass time for her and she will expect you to do all the cleaning and taming, then its better not to get one. In fact kids have more time and I guess even the CAG would like her.. but make sure shes read a lot about them since there are too many things to consider before getting a CAG and requires a lot of patience too.
  3. I spend around 15 mins in the morning from 7 30 TO 7 45 talking to her and then go to work. Iim home by around 7 in the evening and then I spend a few mins talking to her at regular intervals.. Since shes still new..she doesnt like it if Im around too long. But its best at night before I sleep coz we have this competition of who whistles more..she makes all weird sounds and whistle and I keep whistling back to her...
  4. Offer her your wrist first with food in the other hand...If shes scared of your hand, offer her a stick first. Once she steps up on the stick, then to the hand and then shoulders...atleast that worked with my lovebirds..My CAG is still too scared of my wrist and hates the stick!
  5. Wow..thats amazing...Im having similar problems now..I hope my Miki comes to me in the same manner soon...Im so happy for you..God bless you both!
  6. Hi..Welcome to the forum! Indeed, it is a very very helpful forum. Nice to know that you got a baby parrot..You mentioned that your parents had caught a wild CAG. I'm intrigued to know how they managed to train him/her. If theres anything you could share with me, do let me know. I just got a CAG too, and I think she may be from the wild since I got it from a breeder but shes atleast 4 years of age and behaves like a wild one.
  7. Thanks a lot for the reply...That was really really encouraging...Well..Miki's eyes are pretty yellow..so I guess she's over 3 years old..Also, Accapella..I suppose you're right...even I think shes a rescue..I'll just keep trying...Hope she starts to like me soon :-)
  8. I got my African grey 2 weeks ago..I got her from a local breeder who told me she is 1 year and 2 months old. First of all..she's pretty big. Is there any way to find out how old she actually is? Secondly, Im not very sure on how the breeder treated her. But since the time she has come home, she just growls when I get too close. Shes on a perch and doesnt fly from there unless I get too close. When I offer her some food like grapes, tomatoes, bananas etc. she will take them from me but throw it off immediately. I think that she just thinks that I would go away if she takes it from me. She does'nt eat any fresh veggies or fruits and is only having sunflower seeds currently. Shes also not too noisy. Is this normal? how long will it take her to get comfortable with me and is there anything I should do which I am currently missing? Please let me know.
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