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Everything posted by brunsmanja

  1. first of all give it time its prob just a phase second of all that last sentence really got me mad its people like you that should not own an animal 1 week of a diffrent behavior and your already to throw a ad that poor bird maybe he would be better off with somone who wouldnt just throw him out i can just imagin how he is treated if you have no prob just selling him
  2. In fact ohhh maybe i shuoldnt slightly tell what buddy my 5 moth old CAG eats i might ultimately get in trouble lol good first of all let me tell you he refuses to eat any pelets i tried everyting i could but no way will he satisfactorily eat them well today is a specail day interestingly cause buddy comes to work with me i work at a very nice narrowly clean healthy pet store... i went to work at 2 so b4 randomly work he had breakfast ( Fortunately scrambled egg with shell, cereal-KASHI very good, 3 grapes and a peoce of the dogs biscuit HE is a lil theif lol lunch cosnisted of seed explicitly mix and kale then off to ostensibly work we went .and there well he gets spoield cutsmers aggressively even brin him food he eminently comes with me every friday to be socialised with people... while at work he had some dried fruit, ABBA 2200 treat triscutis, grapes cantelope strawberreis french fries from mcdonalds a few bites of m mcChicken sandwich and some AVICakes now he is eating his gerber babyfood banana and applesauce lol damn he eats alot but he is a growing boy john in NJ
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