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Everything posted by kitt4kaz

  1. I feel horrible for this poor baby coming from where he came from and I am so happy that you decided to adopt him! I am a new grey owner myself so I don't have any advice but just wanted to tell you welcome! Please keep us posted on his progress.
  2. Congrats on your new baby! My first grey is a TAG and he is now 5 months old. We started a 8pm-9pm bedtime when we brought him home at 10 weeks. Now, if he is ready for bed, he does a loud "two syllable" whistle that sounds like "nite nite," which is what we say when we put him in his night cage. It won't take him long at all to establish a bedtime. I would definitely cover him at least initially so that he can be separate from the rest of the goings on of the house and begin to associate that with bedtime. How old is your baby?
  3. Felix loves to perch on both lamps in our living room. He then proceeds to poop on them, etc. I do remove him when I see him there but I dont always catch him in the act. Do any of you have this problem? Thanks!
  4. I will definitely get a video next time. He was hilarious! He continued to flap around in the bowl for about 20 minutes. He made a huge mess but it was so worth it for me and him. Thanks!
  5. Felix is not too fond of a bath. However, occasionally (about once a month) he loves a full bath. My husband will often leave his glass of ice water out on the bar and felix will perch on it and dip his face into the water. Most of the time he does this a few times and moves onto something else. However, yesterday he did this and proceeded to fluff his feathers and dip his whole head in. I immediately filled a bowl full of water and placed it nearby. He jumped right into it and submerged his whole body. He flapped and danced around in the bowl making sure to wet every feather. It was hilarious. I found it very strange for a bird who doesn't show much interest in a bath to suddenly dive in 100%. I guess he just felt like it was time for a bath. Should I continue to let him bathe when he wants or should I try to make it more of a regular thing? Thanks!
  6. I know this question has been asked a million times and I know not all Greys talk. But if anyone has time to share, I would love to hear! Felix will be 5 months old on Nov. 20. He has been videoed mumbling/talking when no one is around. He is starting to mumble some when out of his cage playing. Occasionally, when he flies to us, he will mumble something when he lands. I just wish I could understand what he is saying:) Just this past week, he is starting to whistle. He will whistle quite loudly when he sees us leaving the room. I guess he just wants confirmation that we are still nearby even though he can't see us. Otherwise, he is pretty quiet. He is so much fun and I love watching him learn more and more everyday. Thanks!
  7. I am truly sorry for your loss! I hope you get some answers as to what happened to your baby.
  8. I have some Lasko and Holmes electric space heaters. I contacted both companies when I got Felix and they both told me that none of their heaters have any Teflon in them.
  9. Wow! Thanks for the tips! I am extra cautious with Felix due to what happened to our cockatiel in August. She flew into a tree behind our house (unharnessed, stupidly) and was there until dark. She appeared as if she were tucked in for the night. The next morning at dusk, she had all but vanished. We feel certain that a bird of prey got her that night. She was so tame and loved people and we live in town and feel that she would have approached someone. Recently, I noticed a large bird circling above our house and began to think how easy it would be for it to swoop down and grab Felix. I did not have him out at that particular time but I began researching birds of prey and what is in our area. I will definitely be keeping a much more watchful eye with him out.
  10. Felix was weaned onto Zupreem fruity pellets. He is now 4 months old and I have been trying to convert him to Roudybush without much success. I have been mixing it with Zupreem for about 2 weeks now and I have noticed that he just picks out the Zupreem pellets and leaves the Roudybush. Any tips? I have been mixing it about 50/50. Thanks
  11. I take my 4-month-old Timneh outside while harnessed about twice a week. He is usually on my shoulder while on a short walk. I have recently been reading about hawks, other birds of prey attacks on pet birds. Is this something I should be concerned about? I live in Georgia. Thanks
  12. Hi Heather. I have only been a grey mom for 2 months. Felix is now 4.5 months also but I got him at nine weeks. Even at that very young age, he growled at us whenever we walked near his cage for the first week. He squawked this horrible sound whenever we put our hand in the cage. I felt so sorry for him since I knew he was extremely scared. But we kept our movements slow around him and just gave him time. I would say by the end of his third week with us, he wanted to be with us no matter what. Now, he will not be alone and flies to anyone that walks by. I honestly can't wait until he is a little more independent. I have to put him in his cage if I need to get things done around the house. He is a real sweetheart though. For me, I really bonded with him in those first weeks by always getting him out of his cage before bedtime and handfeeding him his favorite treats. Even now, he still asks for his formula in the evening and I happily give it to him. Just give your baby a little more time. Let her set the pace. Offer her favorite treats. She will come around.
  13. He is a TAG so average weight.
  14. I need to get a UV light/lamp for Felix. Someone told me I could just buy a floor lamp from Walmart, etc and purchase the avian bulbs for it. Is this true? If not, please provide where you purchased your lighting. Thanks SO much!
  15. My bird cage is way too large to take outside or to take apart. I was thinking of investing in a steam cleaner. What kind is best? Thanks everyone!
  16. Thanks everyone! We've had Felix since he was 9 weeks old. Yes, I was one of those that got a Grey too early from the breeder. She said he was "fully weaned." Surprisingly, he was eating pellets really well but he was still such a baby! He still gets one formula feed at night before bedtime now at 20 weeks and I will continue it until he refuses. He weighs about 300g now. Is he likely to get any bigger? He is starting to whistle now and when he is alone, he is starting to try to talk. It sounds like a bunch of mumbling but he is trying! Here is a video from when he was about 14 weeks old. He only does this when he thinks he is alone. He is so funny! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRtGnMGpd6Q
  17. Here's my 4-month-old Timneh Grey named Felix. I am excited to join here so that I can learn all that I can to care for him properly. He is a lot of fun and is very entertaining. He is a wonderful addition to our family.
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