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Everything posted by itsjustnikki

  1. Update: I ended up getting an A&E dome top stainless steel cage. My boyfriend and I decided that instead of buying another powdercoated cage in a few years just to spend a little extra now and get the stainless steel. The cage came today and it is amazing. Its not the most expensive SS cage, but it seems decent. Tango loved it right away, which is good because I was worried about going from a playtop cage to a dometop. As soon as we rolled it in the house his eyes started pinning and he watched me put all of his toys in it anxiously and went right in when it was time. I guess I am lucky to have one of the few greys that doesn't mind changing cages. Hopefully this cage lasts for a while because picking out one is super stressful for me. I was just afraid that I was going to pay for another cage that was going to fall apart like his last one did.
  2. When Tango had a cone on for a couple months while trying to get new feathers to grow in. (He was a naked bird because he plucked himself so bad) I could help him with the pin feathers. He only would let me do so much before he got annoyed, but I think it did make him feel better since he could get at them.
  3. I feel like Tango says this to me every single day. He has an epic buffet, but it is never what he wants. I figured everyone could use a chuckle. It sure does make me laugh!
  4. I didn't even notice the height part. But over the course of the evening I think we have decided on stainless steel. My boyfriend says that since Mr. Tango likes to use his beak on the bars of the cage he could et the anodized coating off the aluminum eventually. So I didn't buy that top cage yet because I'm super ocd about making a decision and have to make sure I do all the research I possibly can. I called the store near my house, they only have 1 stainless steel cage in stock that is close to the size I need and it is a dome top boo and much more expensive than the one from Bird Paradise. It seems as though this might be the best cage and deal out there. I just hope that it isn't too good to be true.
  5. I've been to jungle Junction a couple of times and they have a small selection. My boyfriend and I have discussed it and decided that we are going to spring for a permanent cage (aka stainless or aluminum) So now I am just wondering if anyone here has a kings cage and if they like it. Tango has one for his travel cage and I like it but he isn't in it for long periods of time. Right now I have it narrowed down to these: http://www.mybirdstore.com/product.cgi?group=238205&product=238207 or http://www.kingscages.com/ProductDetails.aspx?ProductID=ACP3325
  6. Unfortunately he has access to the tray because I don't have a grate (he likes to forage.) It means I have to do more work by changing his papers more frequently, but I don't mind because he seems to enjoy it. After I noticed that spot I inspected the rest of the cage and found a couple of other spots where the paint is missing on his door. I would prefer not to take any chances with Tango coming in contact with anything that could be toxic.
  7. I have the daunting task of buying a new cage for Tango. Unfortunately I found a couple of rust spots starting to form in the pull out tray of his current cage. I would love to get him a stainless steel cage, but really can't afford to spend that much at the moment. I started looking at cages online and immediately became overwhelmed. I hate that I can't physically see them before I buy it, but such is life. I was hoping to get some recommendations to narrow down my search. Thanks! Nikki and Tango!
  8. So glad to hear that Luigi is home! This is such great news!
  9. I will keep you in my thoughts and hope that Luigi returns home safe.
  10. Thanks everyone for the words of support. I definitely need it (I know it is definitely like going to grandparents house, but still a little stressful nevertheless). One good thing that came out of the bird sitter is they put him to bed at 8pm religiously. Now pretty much at 8pm he starts telling me he is ready to go night. I guess they were able to get him on a better sleeping schedule than I could. I just thought he wanted to be up with us because we were up. He could care less and goes to sleep as soon as I cover him now.
  11. The ear plugs are definitely needed and the screaming seems to be in full force. It may be worse than it was before. Maybe I think that it is worse because we were at a point that it was pretty much non existent. I think that the bird sitters were so attentive to Tango that he didn't have to spend any time alone or in his cage. So I am having a bit of a rough week getting Tango to go back to where we were. I kind of want to pull my hair out, but I will make it. I did it before, I can do it again.
  12. I was worried at first because this was a new place for him, but he definitely got lots of attention. Almost too much attention. They had built perches on the outside of his travel cage for him to climb all around on, I didn't think that he would be allowed out too much because they have a bird of their own that rule the house. I didn't want to disrupt her life, but they seemed to get along just fine. I think he can't wait until our next vacation because of all the attention and good snacks..
  13. Tango came home from his bird sitters more spoiled than ever. It has been a rough week trying to get back on track. He fell right back into his old screaming behavior, but even worse because his routine was disturbed. What I did find interesting is that he learned to say special things at their house. He hasn't said them while he was here. They were home with him and didn't keep him in his cage at all really, so when he was in his cage and wanted them to let him out he would say "Tango Out" to them. He has never said this to me and hasn't said it since he has been home. I've been home for almost a week now, and I think we are almost back into old routine, but I think Tango liked all the attention he got at the babysitters house!
  14. From my experience having gone through a similar thing with Tango, it does get better. He went through a phase when he first met my boyfriend and became obsessed with him he wanted nothing to do with me. I have had Tango since he was 4 months old and and known him since he was 2 months old, he is MY baby. I was hurt and upset that he was biting me. He would bite me every chance he got. No matter what I did to him he would bite me. I cried a lot, but I decided that I needed to be patient and eventually Tango got over the biting "phase" or whatever it was and things returned to a semi normal state for us. Unfortunately, our relationship isn't the same because he has chosen my boyfriend as his new mate, but I just have to remember that I can't pick who my bird loves. Luckily he has stopped biting me, for now. All I can say is that as frustrating as it is, patience is the key. I know that it is tough. I can feel your pain. I am sending you hugs from here!
  15. Tango was fine with me when we didn't live together and he only saw John every once and a while. By the way glad to hear things went well with Gracie while you were away by the way. I remember the first time I had to leave Tango, I was a nervous wreck.
  16. I have been in this same position before with Tango. When he first met my boyfriend he immediately had a connection with him. We were just friends at first so Tango didn't get really attached, but when we moved in together he started being down right mean to me. I was hurt and there was (I'm almost embarrassed to admit) a lot of crying involved. Unfortunately, we can't choose who they pick so I just have to understand that our relationship (Tango and I) is different now. I can totally understand how you feel, but there isn't anything you can do to change Gracie's feelings.
  17. How is Jellybean? I haven't seen an update in a while!
  18. Things seem to be moving in a positive direction here. Since we built the shower "contraption" he seems to have settled a bit too. He really does love sitting in the shower. I haven't felt like there was no hope that the screaming was never going to end. Now he seems to scream (make the obnoxious smoke detector noise) if my boyfriend doesn't acknowledge him right away. So now we are working on that. He seems to like the contact call video that I played for him the other day. I think I am going to try to find more videos/tracks on itunes or something like that to play for him once and awhile to mix up his listening routine. He is on another mini vacation with my parents because we are getting floors installed this weekend and I didn't want to give him a heart attack with all the loud noises and banging.
  19. I love the feet. They make me laugh every time I look at them.
  20. That my bf secretly loves Tango! Photo on 2013-03-21 at 22.30 #2 by itsxjustxnikki, on Flickr
  21. Tango officially loves this video. Every time I play it he starts making contact calls back. I love it. This sound is much more pleasant than the smoke detector sound.
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