Thank you- Impressive, most say stupid or crazy. I say whatever>>><<< 9-large to medium and 3- small but yes, twelve is quite the undertaking, never a dull or idle minute. If I were rich as I would like to be they would have all of the best of everything, but as it stands I give them the best food I can afford which, as we all know is of many different opinions and ideals. Everyone does have a large cage for the particular species, make most everything I can as far as toys, enrichment and entertainment items. I have made just about, let me rephrase that, have tried to make just about anything you could possibly make yourself. Give them all the love and attention I possibly can. A few less would be ideal, but I don't think I could choose and don't want to. I am dreaming of a great outdoor aviary, (saving for materials and doing it myself). I am still researching the best configurations and cost of materials and in some instances where to purchase these items from. I could go on and on. I will post some pics soon.