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Everything posted by parker

  1. these are great u can customize them and very sturdy and safe but can be exspensive
  2. yea ii know the people very well i could just as easily ask them butt i was wondering if i start by visiting it early will it be more excepting of me
  3. the red is cool bt some birds online look rather strange idk http://www.expatads.com/adpics/red-factor-african-grey-hand-fed-babies-4f87198529dddaea7938.jpg
  4. I'm getting a 2 week old CAG is it good for me to Go visit him/her lots unitl its weaned or does it not matter untill it's older? how much can I hold him Seeing as he's so young an what not I don't want to hold him to much or would he get cold after awhile
  5. The connection I'm referring to is like the bird that feels right and thanks for everyone's input. The only reason why I feel like its a bad choice is because red factors are sorta rare. I feel like the younger u get them the more accepting they are of u and I hear it's up to the bird to switch people to bond with
  6. do i visit my baby till i take it home
  7. i was all lined up to get anew baby cag and i visited him often i felt that we didnt really "connect" they way i wanted to and a couple days ago i noticed his brother had some evidence of the red factor gene idk i dont necessarily like the red and decided to wait for a new baby to come in.. do u think this was a bad decision
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