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About aisia

  • Birthday 06/05/1982

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. He chews wicker baskets (untreated kind) ALL THE TIME. lol He never stops except to chew his wings.
  2. I have had Skye now for 3months. Everything is getting better except for one thing. He is chewing his center flight feathers. He is not plucking them just chewing them off a little at a time. The first 4 flights are not touched, the next 6 are chewed down basically to the top layer of feathers on a wing and then the rest of the wing feathers are untouched. This is on both wings. You can't see that they are chewed unless he extends them. When he came, they were short like this but a little longer and she left the first 4 or so flights uncut, just did the center of the wing and the lady said she trimmed them....I was like WHY??? He gets daily aloe juice mists and bathed 2x a week. He is also on avi calm and featherific. He has a avi bulb and is givin roudybush pellets and Higgins safflower seed mix. He eats cooked Corn and peas but no other veggies or fruit, but I offer them. He has been vetted and is healthy. Any suggestions on what to do to help him stop would help a lot. He has really started to chew them more in the past week and nothing here has changed so I am at a loss.
  3. I love the toy. My Grey also loves paper towel and toilet paper rolls. Also, those little paper drinking cups are a hit with mine. Yours might love them also.
  4. I have their basic training dvds. I like them. I also like how the explain the tricks.
  5. Thank you everyone. I was just worried something was wrong. As for noise...lol I am use to it. I have 2 Cockatoos who think they can "sing". If you have ever heard a Too...they can NOT sing. lol.
  6. I don't care if Skye ever talks or not or even mimics noises. My question is is it normal for him to make no noise at all? He will growl if you get near him but other then that no whistles, calls, anything... When he was in the bird room he would whistle but since being in the living room he doesn't do anything. Also if cornered on the floor he will do a doorbell sound but in his cage or on it..nothing. I have never had a bird that didn't at least do their natural bird call. Will he eventually make noise? at least his natural calls? I've had him 3 weeks now and last week he was moved into the living room. I am home all day and even if I am not near him he doesn't even do "closet talking or noise making".
  7. Besides my TAG, I have: 1 Pineapple Green Cheek Conure, 1 Blue Crown Conure, 1 Love Bird, 1 Parakeet, 1 Parrotlet, 1 Cockatiel, 1 B&G Macaw, 1 Goffins Cockatoo, and 1 Umbrella Cockatoo.
  8. Getting him out is no problem. He practically runs out of the cage. All I do is open the door and go into a different room because he is still very leery of me. When I come back in a min or 2 later, he is out and playing on top of his cage. Just getting him in is the problem. I have found a better solution then grabbing him to put him in though. I take a large perch and gently move it around the top of his cage toward him. He will "battle" it for a bit but eventually inch closer to his door till he climbs inside. (when I say battle I don't mean attack, we kind of play tug a war with it except he pushes it toward me with his head and I push it back. He isn't scared of it though as long as I don't try to make him step on it.)
  9. I love all the great advice! As for him stepping up easier from the floor. nope! He likes the floor.
  10. Quick question...how do i get him back in his cage at night? I tried turning out the lights...he just jumped off his cage and ran under the computer desk. So I had to grab him because I didn't want him getting hurt. He hates being in a cage now and I honestly dont think he would ever go back in if I didnt put him in it. He was out all day and never went in to eat. He just waited till I put him back in to eat. I HATE grabbing him but he is terrified of towels and perches (since he was abused with sticks). I didn't think he would jump off the cage just because it was dark.
  11. Thank you everyone for all your advice! First thing I do today is going to be move his cage into the living room. Next is to try to find a treat he loves. I've tried peanuts, sunflower seeds, almonds and cashews...none seem to be it. As for taking it slow, I will. Here are the pictures I promised.
  12. Well at first, He liked peanuts...then he didnt. Then he liked sunflower seeds...then he didnt....lol so I havent found his WOW food just yet. I named him Skye. He didnt have a name before I got him. I will post pictures tomorrow. Also, he doesnt mind my other birds. He has been on the stand with my blue crown conure and my green cheek and just sits next to them. My larger birds like my macaw and u2 arnt fond of him yet so I haven't introduced them yet lol. He is on a seed diet atm but I did buy him pellets...now if only he would eat them.
  13. Yes, he will take food from my hands...although he wont always eat it. Sometimes he eats what I give him and sometimes he takes it and then looks at me like "who do you think you are!" and then flings the food as far as he can. lol All while growling at me like he wants to eat me.
  14. Two weeks ago, I took in a male Timmeh African Grey. I was told he was around 1 or 2 yrs old and believed to be parent raised. (Before anyone asks, he was vetted and then quarantined at my moms house before I brought him into mine because I have no where to quarantine away from my other fids.) He has been abused in the past. The previous owners kids would poke him with sticks through his cage. He was also housed in a 15in x 15in cage...with no perches or toys all he did was sit on the bottom of his cage and cower as they poked at him. When I got him, I put him in his new cage in the bird room with my other fids. The problem is he won't come out of his cage in there and there isn't much people contact in there. I usally bring my birds out to the living room to spend time with them. The bird room is basically for sleep and the little's who don't like attention. He has never been handled. If you put your hand in his view he will nip at it. He also growls if I get near him. I guess my big question is...would it be better to put his cage in the living room where I am most of the time so he can see me and what is going on or do I leave it in the bird room. (I don't know if he feels safer in there) Right now he wants nothing to do with people. I do carry him to the front room and put him on a stand but I hate that because he already thinks people are bad, me grabbing him isn't helping. (I do not towel him cause he freaks out so bad it looks like he is having a seizure) I gently grab him with both hands (he growls the whole time but doesn't bite). He does bite but never bitten to drawl blood. Any advice would be helpful. I am not new to parrots (I have several others) but he is a whole new ballgame.
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