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Everything posted by greykiki

  1. Here are some pic of her in action...
  2. After 8 months of training my 6 years old timneh grey she is finally free flighted now... She look so happy flying to me... And her recall was good n firm... She is a happy bird now...
  3. In Singapore we can find most common parrot easily... But I can't fInd the cherry headed conure which I like most... Grey in Singapore can be easily find from may onwards till December as there is a season for the grey...
  4. Here is the pic of my feather companion...
  5. Hi all need some advice... I had been training my 4 years old timneh grey flying for 6 months... But I don't see results... She was clip for 3 years plus... Initial she was able to do short recall but 2 months back she jus simply ignore it... How do I keep her motivation going as I'm using treats and whistle method...
  6. Hi I'm from Singapore and I own a timneh grey 4 years old and a yellow sided conure 5 months old... Hope to make more friends here and learn more things here... Little intro of my grey name Kiki.. Got him when he was about 1 month old... She had been clip for 4 years and recently decide to free flight her as my yellow sided is a free flighted bird... She does lots of talking....
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