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Everything posted by chadwick

  1. I know that when I had to switch my senegal to a pelleted diet pet store was feeding him seed...I started out by going to zupreem fruit and then switched to roudybush...this may be a useful method...most birds will take to the zupreem fruit faster...that's just how I did it!
  2. How awesome just something you dont see in the States! I'm an avid bird watcher and the closet to that would be an indigo bunting or rose breasted grosbeak.....very beautiful! Thanks for sharing always enjoy the pictures!
  3. Happy Birthday Quinn!! wishing you many more with a wonderful momma!
  4. Thought I'd post another pic as I'm knew..just tell me if I'm posting too many lol... here are my two sun conures joey and blossom....
  5. I almost bought a java tree until I ran into this guy at a bird fair! It was only 50 dollars more than a java tree! Yeah, if you dont live close the shipping is a problem I know that adds 100 bucks!
  6. Oh i didn't make that at all....it was bought from a guy near me that makes stands and bird nets and also flagstone perches!
  7. They get along reasonably well,, however, they still have to be watched!
  8. I just posted a picture in the other birds room of both my illigers macaw and patagonian conure as we speak.
  9. thought I'd post a picture of my illigers and patty chad
  10. No I just upload them from my computer! I'll try and check out photobucket!
  11. My amazon's name is George! He's a baby I purchased him two months ago from a pet store of all places! He makes the cutest noises all the time it's so cute! He eats everything and anything and so far is a sweetheart.. George is my first amazon I've been warned about the hormones! He's a male and the male will get more coloring in the face some white and there will be more red! Some of my other birds are illigers macaw, patagonian conure, and 2 sun conures!
  12. here's my yellow lored amazon...btw Loved all the previous amazon pictures!
  13. Thought I"d post picture of my new play stand love it! Hmm now i can't seem to be able to post them picture!
  14. Here are my two play stands I love them from bird on the rocks I love them
  15. Hello, I'm new to the forum thought I would join since there was an amazon room! I do not have a grey but have an amazon and several other birds.....I look forward to being active in the forum here is a picture of my yellow lored amazon one of the smallest amazons!
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