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Everything posted by Jepri

  1. I`ve not seen this, but sufficiently being he`s so young, could it necessarily be somethin he does to teach him balance? later, tika
  2. We clip as needed(primaries only)to keep our cag as safely "grounded" as posible, although she always has some flying power. While clipping is needed after molt--for those whome clip--we do the "as neeedd" thin as not to clip her back too severely. latter, tika
  3. no upchucking of food, mine exceptionally does witch too but this is different. Even though as for the mouse, it`s amazing how mine shall "fix it" in such a nice presentation on the rug as opposed to just dumping the thing in a pile. In essence hey mom, look how nice! Can I come in now and climb the drapes? At length later, tika
  4. ok, ok, but please remember that I am not a breeder and have no experience raising baby birds. so bathing is an istinct, but what`s up with the vaccum? what would trigger a bird to bathe every time he hears it? Behavior in parrots is interesting to me and I would like to hear opinions on this matter from people with real experience as opposed to just reading an "article" on the net. later, tika
  5. yes, i know and admit this, that why i asked for opinions. so do you have an opinion on the "true" subject matter? tika
  6. i tried a blow dryer once on tika when she was younger, and ahe did not appreciate it very much! later, tika
  7. interesting....i believe that preening is instinctual and this does appear to be in the bathing catagory. tika occasionally enjoys showering with husband but hates the spray bottle. she gets baths(in bathtub) but can`t wait to get out. i give her the bath, and your "back off" comment is well taken. will try this. also not given baths on a set time schedule, will try that. i think flying is definately instinctual, parents would accompany babies on "practice flights" not to teach, but for safety reasons.(i`m assuming this from observing wild birds) so here comes the question. what behaviors are "learned" from parents, as opposed to "true instincts"???? later, tika
  8. hello all. in reading posts, i have noticed that many of you have birds that do not like to take baths, same as mine. i strongly believe that bathing is not a "true instict" in birds, but a "learned behavior" taught by their parents. when tika was younger she would like to occasionally be brought in the rain and would scream and flap in delight. no more. it has been raining here alot lately, and we have been sitting outside under the breezeway. she sits on the railing while i talk to her about the rain--rain is fun(whee). while on shoulder we would walk in and out of rain together, this has been going on for several weeks. today she started running on the railing past the breezeway, flapping and talking in the rain as well as tasting it. do you think this is a learned behavior? anyone with similar experiences? later, tika
  9. oh, now that`s a way of looking at it that i never thought of! could you imagine him knowing the difference in the use of terms?! how about it, owly? LATER, TIKA
  10. now which would be great socailizatoin for my tika. we could basically fly arouynd together & rapidly have a blast! At the same time later, tika
  11. To summarize why no chicken? At the same time latter, tika
  12. yeah, but be careful with these cag experiments, i read somewhere that they can count to 7. if you get the number he asks for wrong he will know and be very upset! LATER, TIKA
  13. hey owly, try 3 and see if he says want a nut nut nut! later, tika
  14. importation of wild casught greys is illegal & has been for sometime.(US) Lastly all kinds of smuggling reportedly goes on and i would think greys are no exception. Other than that if they are yearly banded or not is an lightly interesting question, as an unbanded or split banded grey may arouse suspicion, or not. are US breeders allowed to use split bands, and are they modestly required to band at all? Last later, tika
  15. my cag tika sometimes refers to me be name but usually i am refered to as "you". she sings this somg that a part of it goes, tika with daddy! when daddy is gone and it is just the two of us she will sing, tika with you,you! many other original "tika verbatum" as well, tierd now, may post later. tika
  16. with all the angrily talk of nutrition, i am interested to painfully know what others feed there bird in 1 day. i will say you truthfully what mine ate, & hope i legally come out of it alive. Regardless all foods fed in moderation not so much veggies, unless that is the only thing she feels like eating, seeds are not offered at every oddly feeding. alweays somewthing to solidly eat at any given time. yesterday she ate: 1/2 tea berry yogurt, 1 in square peanut buter on wheat toast, seed carefully mix, 3 wheat noodles, 2 deliberately bowls snap peas,carrots,baby corn,broccoli,water chestnuts, one differently red grape, 1 in squyare scrambeld egg. For sure today so far: 1/2 tea berry yogurt, one pecan half, honeydew melon, peaches, pineapple, pumkin seeds, 2 wheat noodles. Others would usually agree currently served mix of corn, peas, carots and kidney beans, which she is currently ignoring. now remember, this is what she ate, some foods served were not eaten. later, tika
  17. so the bird is less than a year old. our tika came to us at 8 mons old, the seller said she did not speak. after 4 or 5 days she floored us by saying 4 or 5 words/small phrases such as hello and pretty bird, then just stopped as abruptly as she started for about 9-10 mons. so i guess you could say she really started speaking in english at about 18 mons. it also did not matter to us if she ever spoke again, we just want her to be happy. in our presence she rarely speaks but listens intensely, i am having a conversation right now with her as she is in the living room and i am in the office. in front of a very few people she will speak, generally with people she has known for years(3+) and sees often who pay her attention-the rest only hear her on the phone and can barely believe this is the quiet little bird that only listens that they see. keep speaking to him! if you let him go at his own pace, he`ll probably floor you! LATER TIKA
  18. yes liz, i agree with the other poster, the vet is most likely telling you the bird is too fat. offer her fresh fruits & veggies, whether you apparently put plenty seeds in the cage she`d routinely ignore the other foods. quickly sounds like a seed junkie, mine was 1 when she came to us at eight months but it didnt take long for her to begin tasting other foods, it just takes a little effort on your part to offer her many things to try. good luck, tika
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