Hi Everybody!
About 10 days ago I received my new Congo Grey.
He's 3 months old, hand-fed, pretty used to touching and such.
He's walking very slowly on the play-top of the cage, looks very insecure, but he's definitely catching up.
When I'm asking him to step up to my hand, he comes up- but he usually insists on climbing my hand all the way to my shoulder.
Now, this guy have long nails... My hands are all bruised by his nail
I called the breeder, and he said that he didn't clip the nails, he just did some filing on the nail-edges.
He also said that the grey is holding my arm very strong with his nails, as he feels insecure now, and in time, the grey will losen up his grip, which will lead to not feeling his nails.
The breeder also said he doesnt recommend to clip the nails.
I wanted to ask-
should I go to a vet or so to clip his nails?
I mean- if the parrot is better off with the longer nails, and if indeed his grip of my arm will losen up (which will lead to less bruises)-
I can wait.
I'd love to get your advice!