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About brianlinkles

  • Birthday 02/06/1961


  • Biography
    I am a mom of three daughters. I have an amazing husband that puts up with my "animal loving" ways!


  • Location
    Oakwood, Ohio


  • Interests
    I am a constant crafter & reader! I love learning/reading anything I can about our flock!


  • Occupation
    Interior Designer and co-owner of Cher Ami specializing in bird toys and accesories for their people

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  1. I know, however that is what my rescue lca was named when we got her!! LOL We changed it to Kiwi!
  2. I saw it. I thought it was amazing! He takes unwanted, abused birds and trains them. He makes his living doing shows. I am hoping that we get to see more of him and his parrots.
  3. That scares me to death! I cannot imagine. It looks so heavy for around the ankles and so , so dangerous looking. Is it only me?
  4. I would LOVE to see pictures of these, they sound great! I'm always looking for new treat/toys for Dorothy!
  5. Dorothy has one white toenail and another that is sort of half white. I was told that when that happens they have the red factor gene. She also has sort of a group of white feathers in the center of her tail (underneath) close to her body, I was told that this is another tell tale sign. I'm truly not sure if this is true, just what I have been told and read. I'ts funny there is a baby male cag at the breeder that I have fallen in love with, I didn't even notice until the breeder said something but he has white toenails too. I keep picking those (wonder what that means!! LOL) I wish I could bring him home!
  6. Im so happy for her! Bless you for giving her that "forever home!"
  7. I have always loved amazons. I rescued a female lilac crown (she was 15) she continues to be a work in progress however she has come a long, long way. She had a horrible life when I got her and she is learning new things every day! I love my cag Dorothy dearly and she brings such joy to my life. I go between someday adding another grey or adding either a panama or Mealy. I would love to hear anyones opinion of these two species. I keep reading that the Mealy's are the gentle giants and that panamas are also gentle great birds for a family. My daughters are 12 & 15 so not too young but I would love a bird that would feel comfortable in our family. I do love the greys however I am very drawn to the "happy go lucky" nature "playful, outgoing" demeanor of the amazons. Again, I would love any information anyone might be able to give in comparing these two amazons. (I don't want to hijack thread, please feel free to pm me)
  8. I am so sorry for your loss.
  9. Jeffnok, I'm so glad that you asked this! Dorothy turned one on Sunday (one day before Gracie!) It sounds like Gracie is saying much more than Dorothy. Dorothy loves to whistle and is very good at it! She has literally been repeating "Hello" since Saturday over and over! I can tell she is trying to say other words but I can't understand them. Her "Hello" is getting clearer however it is still quite robotic! (at least I hope that's what I'm hearing and I don't sound like that!) LOL I get very excited when she says it, I'm hoping she adds more words to her repitore it is such fun hearing her speak. She is however quite the prolific whistler!
  10. Dave that last red factor you posted is amazing looking! Who's bird is that?
  11. I want to thank zandische! My Dorothy just turned one today! She says Hi, Hello, she whistles up a storm. However she is more of a whistler than a talker at this point. Even her "hello" is not super clear. I was thinking that maybe she will not be such a talker but more of a whistler. I love her talking or whistling, however I have to say when Hello comes out of her mouth or she says hi when I take her nightime cover off her cage I do love it! I'm glad to hear that I could be hearing more talking sometime soon!
  12. I think Jayd said it best. This seems to be quite common for greys! Our Dorothy (will be one this month) has learned our very annoying phone ring. She knows that we go to it everytime it rings. She has then decided this is a great way to call us over. Same for the whistle I do for my dogs to go outside or to call them in from the backyard, she whistles for me. She seems to be in LOVE with whistling, she wolf whistles, the andy griffith song (she has her own spin to this) etc. I truly hope that some day we will have a grey that talks instead of just whistles however I love to hear her vocalize in all ways. I do look forward to her first words (keeping my fingers crossed) She has been saying hello but that's about it. I think that you are going to have to try and give her some other noises to copy. I know that when Dorothy started with the wolf whistle, andy griffith song and the dog's whistle she has stopped doing the phone as often. I know it can be annoying however I think this is something that we all have to embrace about our greys!
  13. Jeffnok, Gracie and my cag Dorothy are about the same age. I'm curious, what type of noises does she make when you leave the room? I do notice that when I leave Dorothy immediatley starts making the telephone noise. She makes the same exact noise as the phone ringing. I know that she has realized that when the phone rings I come to it so I think she does this to get me to come to her. I'm curious, what does Gracie do to call to you?
  14. What a cutie! Let us know what name you choose!
  15. This is a great thread, I had that same question!
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