I have always loved amazons. I rescued a female lilac crown (she was 15) she continues to be a work in progress however she has come a long, long way. She had a horrible life when I got her and she is learning new things every day! I love my cag Dorothy dearly and she brings such joy to my life. I go between someday adding another grey or adding either a panama or Mealy. I would love to hear anyones opinion of these two species. I keep reading that the Mealy's are the gentle giants and that panamas are also gentle great birds for a family. My daughters are 12 & 15 so not too young but I would love a bird that would feel comfortable in our family. I do love the greys however I am very drawn to the "happy go lucky" nature "playful, outgoing" demeanor of the amazons. Again, I would love any information anyone might be able to give in comparing these two amazons. (I don't want to hijack thread, please feel free to pm me)