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Everything posted by Stevie

  1. Hi bird lovers. I got my 10 year old grey called jess on sunday,she is a marvel,her owners brought her to us in her old cage,but i had a new one ready and waiting,i was not sure whether to leave her in her old one or move her into her new penthouse,in the end i thought id move her,she had been in her old cage for 10 years,but she took to her new one like a duck to water.now she probably thinks she is a film star.lol :cool:
  2. Stevie


    This afternoon jess sat on my leg then started to rub her beak all over my finger,her wings came out,she was making wonderful little noises,she was shaking,then started to regurgitate,ive never had an african grey or an older bird,my amazon ,jasper ,is 18 months old,but i assume this is jess saying im her man..Many thanks for letting me share this wonderful thing with you all. steve and jess
  3. paul,i feel your loss mate,but just knowing you on this wonderful bird lovers site,you wont ever give up,as i said before,we lost jasper and like you ,we kept going.I feel you will be reunited paul,things we dont know about are all around us,we kept that thought going. Thinking of you.
  4. I had jess on my legs for an hour,she just sat there and let me stroke her back,it was a wonderful feeling,seems she trusts me.I will put some pics up of the lovely moment.The damaged hand happened while making a perch for my new girl.
  5. Thanks for that morana,jess is booked it tomorrow.
  6. Well fokes,my 10 year old grey landed with us yesterday,what a fabulous bird.jasper my amazon,whoosh,straight over to have a look,jess wasnt to impressed.So far ive managed to have jess sit in my shoulder all afternoon,and taken grapes and other food off me,no lunges yet.My dilemma is,do i keep her in her old cage till she gets used to me,which is probably best,or do i try and get her in her new home asap?Any advice from my fellow grey lovers will be so useful,on any matter.I think im doing ok so far,but this is only her first full day.I will put some pics up , Many thanks to you all. steve and jess;)
  7. She was so scared ,i got a long branch,which she didnt like,and slowly backed her up where she couldnt fly away,and just talked to her all the time,and grabbed her.We were so lucky.
  8. Sorry to hear what has happened,we lost jasper our amazon a month ago,we were lucky,we got her back,i just followed a tree line to a water source,and found her in a tree,about 2 miles away ,she went for 3 days,just look for a tree line some way away,and water.I feel for you,it is heart wrecnching i know,but you will be like us,dont give up.Please keep us all informed. steve
  9. Hi lovers of our feathered friends Well 2 days till jess our new grey will be here,im sure jasper my amazon cant wait,lol,her new cage all ready and waiting,with a new perch which i have just returned from the hospital with some stitches in my hand !!!!!!! ,my chisel moved,the perch didnt,ouch,but it will be worth it.Im so excited ,jess is 10 and needs a new loving caring home.I will post some pics of my new girl after sunday. All the best steve
  10. Hi morana,ive put some pics up of my little bomb proof baby,you can see her wings on them.
  11. Thanks for the thread,i have put some pics of jasper up now,you can see the dark patches on her wings,i hope ive done the right things,fun and games on sunday,jess a 10 year old grey is coming to live with us,she needed a new home so badly,i cant wait to get the two together,eventually.
  12. I took my amazon jasper to see the 10 year old grey im getting on sunday,she went up to it lookes pluffed her feathers sat on my shoulder and carrtied on preening,jasper is bomb proof,but it will so diffnt when theyre in the same house,but i cant wait.If you feel its right,you must go for it.Good luck,and i hope you make the right decision. steve
  13. Hi morana.Thanks again for replying.Jaspers diet had too many goodies in it,she was picking the best and leaving the healthy things behind. She has lots of fruit,apples are her fav,some vegetables and a full seed diet.The dark patches are the same as when i shower her,but im sure her green is slowly coming back ,ive just started to give her a little bit of fesh boiled egg in the morning,extra protein.She has not got a uv light yet,but i was thinking of getting one,she goes outside occasionally,probably not enought.Thank you again.ill try and sort some pics out,when jasp is having a nap,she just loves my glasses.haha.
  14. Hi bird lovers.I have an 18 month old orange tipped which is going to have a friend(i hope)jess a 10 year old grey,which needs a new permanent home,back to my bomb proof jasper,just recently 12 weeks or so,jaspers wings have got a lot of black on her wings,i took her to the vets,he said it was her diet,so ive changed that,but her wings still have large black ares,can any kind person shed some light on this for me?jasp is very very active,she doesnt seem to be in any discomfort at all.Many thanks fellow bird lovers. steve & jasper.
  15. Thank you for the kind welcome,and words of advice.Jess is having a new cage delivered on wednesday,much larger than the wee thing she is in at the moment,we took jasper our amazon to see her on sunday,didnt bat an eye,jasper is bomb proof,lol,we had jasp from 10 weeks old,you would think we had her for years,very useful with me at home all day everyday,jess will get all the attention she needs. Many thanks again ,this is a great family to be a member of.wonderful to be among lovers of our feathered friends. steve
  16. Hi all. Im about to bcome the new owner of a 10 year old grey called jess.She has been neglected and restricted by her current owner.I have an orange winged amazon as well so i know a few things,im not sure what to expect from a 10 year old grey.i will give her all the love and patience in the world,i just adore parrots,.Jess has so much in her just waiting to come out,,and just being with her for an hour at her owners home, she was comfortable with me.I need some advice from all you kind owners if you dont mind.I am so excited about getting jess ,i just want her to have a loving and caring home and want whats best for her.Many thanks to you all. steve
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