Wow lots of new babies here. Mine are also too young at only 2 months next Saturday but they make the sweetest coos and chirps. My macaw talks alot when she wants although her favorite words are hey! and What? lol she screams those alot. she also mocks me sneezing so I am trying to get her to say bless you.
I thought it would be cool to know what everyones Grey's first words were and also how old they were when they said them for the first time. I am not sure if there is a thread like this or not but seems neat to know the words they first say. My greys are too young to talk but my cockatoos first word was Sparky wihich was his name before I got him. He was about 10 months old. =D
Well they enjoy it for about 10 min before they decide to glide or climb down lol We cant keep stewie on it if we are sitting ont he couch, so dont feel bad.
My husband designed it. It took him forever to draw it up lol but was fairly easy to make. The birds love it. Stewie hates the swing and will never get on one but he likes to untie the string so it falls to the ground and then he laughs at it lol.
I still can't figure out how to post pictures in my albums or on my profile picture other then uploading and my pics are too big lol. But here are some pics of my guys...
Thanks guys for the warm welcome!! Yes the 2 greys are babies right now. I will probably only end up keeping one, have not decided which yet. I have been helping a friend hand feed lately and I got these 2 because I have always wanted a grey. My kids are begging me to keep them both so we will see what the hubby says hehe. I will need help naming them soon though I have come up with a few names but nothing has poped out at me yet lol. I will post some pics sometime today, just have not figured out how to even add my profile picture yet lol.
Hi guys I have just recently stumbled across your site and I love it!
I am the mommie to an umbrella cockatoo named Stewie, a hybrid macaw named Skittles, jenday/nanday conure mix named kiwi, 2 african greys that are still unnamed.
I also have a poodle named Bubbles and a shih tzu/chihuahua mix named Sadie.