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Joe Bachi

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Everything posted by Joe Bachi

  1. Joe Bachi


    Hey guys, When I got home today I found 3 red drops on the cage's newspaper covered floor. I am quite certain that they are blood drops, however Mikko seems to be healthy and well. He recently plucked his feathers and now new ones are growing, and I sometimes see him messing around with them so I guess he might have broken a blood feather. I will keep an eye on him and hopefully the cause won't be something serious. And by the way I'm certain it's not from the droppings, all droppings look normal and the three drops are not located anywhere near them. Any ideas on what's going on? Regards Joe & Mikko
  2. She looks so cute! I love young greys
  3. Does the movie Rio count? It really is a great movie and for me it in a way deals with the issue of clipping a parrot and taking away it's ability to fly. It also explores the bond that a person develops with their parrots I think you would really enjoy it even though it's animated.
  4. wonderful vid, thx for sharing
  5. Talon, glad you're having fun, think you can help me with some of the subjects I have to study?
  6. Judy, you just identified 14/22 not a bad score (says the person who could only name 7 lol)
  7. PS: You never answered the first question: How many parrots can you name?
  8. Tell you what, if by this time tomorrow I finish all of the philosophy chapters you'll pack the boxes AND wash your car hahahaha Ok I gtg, talk to you tmrw
  9. LOL that's too hard how about I just finish this chapter (it's already 8PM here and I still have to go workout) Deal? PS: It's a big chapter and ironically it's about math Leave it to philosophy to make math boring and incomprehensible
  10. Nooooo don't be so cruel! LOL I still have 3 philosophy chapters that I'm trying to get out of studying, not to mention civics, history and geography. Damn it! Why did I do all of the fun subjects (physics, math, chemistry) at once
  11. Collect them all! Out of the 22 parrots in this picture how many species and sub-species can you name? I'll start: 8/22 CAG Macaw : Scarlet & Hyacinth Cockatoo : Red crested and Palm Indian ringneck Sun concure Finche
  12. hahaha he sure is having fun economical parrot lol
  13. That is AMAZING ! Happy for the both of you
  14. Take it slow, every baby step you see is actually a giant leap for your parrot. I used the techniques shown on the BirdTricks DVD and I have to say, they work great However, I've never actually managed to get Mikko to come out of his cage....yet...but that step will have to wait for now due to some setbacks. Keep up your good work and stay patient, even though parrots usually bond with their owners and have a great amount of affection to give they are limited by their instinctive fearful nature. So don't take it personally.... it's not you, it's simply evolution Regards Joe & Mikko
  15. LOL, I was really surprised, these birds sure do love to bathe, unlike my CAG; he won't even tolerate misting (but it is a must)
  16. Great news! I was looking at Mikko's plucked wings and there are some new feathers growing They're still pin feathers and so far he hasn't plucked that one primary feather at the end of his wing. Fingers crossed everyone.... Hopefully this will all end soon Regards Joe & Mikko
  17. Some things are just too cute not to share: [video=youtube;MdXmjpbGW-Q] Hope you enjoy this as much as I did
  18. Looks like you guys had fun
  19. Hey guys, I was wondering, how long does it take for a Grey's feathers to grow back once plucked knowing that they were kind of chewed off as opposed to removing them from the root ? (That is of course assuming that he doesn't re-pluck new feathers ) Mikko first started plucking his flight feathers which I didn't notice at first, thinking that he may be molting, however this behavior rapidly grew overnight and soon he had plucked all of his wing feathers, next came the back, chest and finally tail feathers. Since then he has been refusing to step up, even biting when I tried to insist. Whenever plucks it looks like he is scratching and he doesn't seem to do it with anger. According to the vet, he might be suffering from mites (which is what I am treating him for). It's been a week or so since I've found any feathers at the bottom of the cage but I fear that it's because he no longer has any feathers to pluck (He looks like some sort of fur ball) I still catch him heavily "attacking" his wings every now and then and it looks like as if he is pulling something out (probably the root of a chewed off feather which is now bothering him or maybe a pin feather). The only skin showing is on his wings, he has a small patch on each wing. And through this all he is almost always perching quietly, looking sleepy or pleased and grinding his beak (a sign of contentment if I'm not mistaken) Anyone has any advice? Regards Joe & Mikko
  20. Well they are quite good, they taste just like melons except for the sweetness, add some sugar and they are great !
  21. Here are some pics:
  22. that's good, but I have one problem, Mikko doesn't let me touch him let alone put gel on his itching wings Would Aloe Vera juice sprayed on him daily have the same effect? Thank you Joe
  23. thank you so much for the links
  24. Ok and judging by the pics I attached what would you say is happening?
  25. Guys, is it possible that Mikko is suffering from a mite infestation?
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