I have bought a new cage for Anton. http://www.rhrquality.com/wp-content/gallery/kooien/00021bigben.jpg
As you can see it is very big and I would like to know your opinion.
I have had Anton for 1 month now and we are still building our relationship and now it is very fragile. He is a a little afraid of hands after his 2 previous owners and of course he is trying to avoid any contact, except when I give him sunflower seeds or nuts (he eats pellets normally). And he can be aggressive when he is in his cage, tries to bite my fingers when I close the door and when my hands are inside, but hasn't had chance to do it yet, I am very quick.
So my question is, can a bigger cage effect him and make our relationship even harder to build, because he will have a chance to hide at the back of the cage (it is a corner cage, so if he decides to stay away from me, he will be able to do it)
I would appreciate your opinions!