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Everything posted by Sterls

  1. I have a question. No matter what, some point of owning a grey, I am going to be bit? I have googled "parrot bite" and to be honest, I am quite afraid of what I see.
  2. Other than taking the time to learn, the other reason for waiting is because I couldn't have him where I currently live since my dad would not allow (not a fan of indoor animals) it and I'm living here while in college. Would love to get him/her sooner but forced to wait Not sure if I could hide a parrot haha. Plus I want to be sure I have enough money for everything, so I'll be making a parrot fund lol. Working at Cedar Point this summer...you work like 50-80 hours at week so I'll at least be making around 2-3 grand.
  3. Fiction? I have never seen swans swimming around ducks. FACT OR FICTION: The American turkey vulture helps human engineers detect cracked or broken underground fuel pipes.
  4. I start college in the fall so I wouldn't want to buy a grey and then not being able to properly take of it or afford it, so I feel it would be best that I wait until I have quite a bit of money saved up for it. If I am still interested in buying one in about 1-2 years I may do so, but until then I shall be a sponge and soak up knowledge about them I also plan on moving after college so it's another reason of why I might as well wait. I have a medical problem which would basically cripple me if I tried to have kids, but I don't want or like them anyways so I guess that worked out fine for me. I always said I was going to have a spoiled pet instead haha....I tend to make any pet into a big spoiled baby . It honestly would not even bother me if I got a grey and he/she never spoke a word. I would just enjoy having the parrot itself.
  5. This story has made me cry...and I don't cry often Firstly, I would like to say that I am truly sorry for your loss. It took a lot to choose to put Grey out of her misery rather than to keep her alive just to spend as much time with him as you could, like some people might have done if put into that situation. I am glad Grey left this world knowing she was loved, her quality of life was grand even if her quantity was short. Try remembering and focusing of the good times you had with her, I'm sure she will be with you in spirit for a very long time. Best Regards.
  6. Thanks . I've been lurking around since I found this forum and figured I might as well join.
  7. I do not own an african grey as of now, but have been interested in them for the past couple of years. Finally, I have decided that I would like to get one in a few years after I am done with college and find a stable job. Until then, I shall be saving for the parrot itself, a cage, stands, vet bills, food, toys, etc. I would also like to learn as much as I can about them while I wait. I feel that it would be important to wait and take the time to learn about them to make sure they are the parrot for me rather than just go buy one and find out it isn't, so any words of advice and opinions are welcomed. Anyways, I am new here so hello everyone.
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