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Everything posted by Shoulderin

  1. I was using newspaper under my bird's cage but found that the poop and seeds scatters too much so I think I will buy a large roll of butcher or rolled paper and use that under feeding and toiling areas.
  2. My 8 month old loves to whistle but doesn't talk. I like to say "HI BODHI" in a sing song voice whenever I go near her and she started whistling the phrase in exactly the same "tune". I'm noticing that the whistling is getting more like she is trying to form the words....has anyone seen their grey turn whistles into words??
  3. I am no expert on greys but i have been putting "Sprout TV" on every day and while my CAG doesn't seem that interested she has made some interesting noises that may GE from some of the shows! It makes me feel better to know she has some music and visual stimulation when I am gone.
  4. Do you freeze it? I am going to try it! Thanks for the recipe.
  5. My CAG says it looks yummy! What is in it?
  6. I like to celebrate the anniversary of my 21st birthday...much softer of a blow!
  7. What a great idea! I would have never thought of that :)

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  8. Ray, Can you tell us where you bought your corner bird bath? I have been looking all over for one and all I can find are very small ones for parakeets. Thanks!
  9. Thanks everyone! I will try these new methods!:cool:
  10. I am wondering what temperature the water should be when bathing a bird....warm or cold? How warm is too warm? And will my CAG get too cold while drying if the room temperature is too low? Do any CAGS go into a bird bath or just splash water on themselves? I don't think my 7 month old likes water too much so far but likes to sit on the shower rod when I shower. Any info would be greatly appreciated!!!:cool:
  11. Bodhi also has an obsession with my teeth and really wants to get in and feels them and puts her beak in the grooves like a dental tool! It's fun to gross out the family...for some reason they don't find that behavior endearing like I do
  12. My CAG has a cute gurgling/purring noise that has different volumes, and is definitely a sign of happiness. I love it! She squawks when angry or upset and it is loud and dramatic. Very funny because you can tell she is complaining or mad and she looks really irritated. I think her language is very effective!
  13. My six month old female does the same thing (but no hard bites). If she acts naughty I tell her goodbye and leave her on her cage playpen, and she will immediately whistle for me. I will come back every few minutes and eventually she turns sweet again and wants to step up and come with me. Who knows why? Maybe it's a mood swing, hormonal fluctuations, or demon possession!
  14. Cute! What kind of bird is the baby?
  15. It's so exciting when they start to vocalize. I have a six month old who is producing all kinds of sounds but has no words yet. I have been calling "Hi Bodhi" in a sing song way and she has started to whistle the same sing song back! She also makes up whistles on her own and mimics all kinds of sounds she hears. It's a riot to hear what she comes up with - if she does start using words it will be fun but I am very happy with the sound effects
  16. Thanks for the info! It looks like new tail feathers are coming in!
  17. Bohdi, 5 months, likes to fly even though her wings are clipped. She seems to land fairly hard on the ground so I am not going to get her wings trimmed for awhile if at all. I'm worried because several of her tail feathers have broken off which I assume is from the hard landings. She is not plucking or chewing them. Should I leave them alone or ? Thanks!
  18. What do you think about Propel? My CAG tried itand loved it but I only let her have a sip because I wasn't sure if the balance of electrolytes was ok for a bird.
  19. Those pictures and videos are so amazing! Are your birds wings clipped? My young grey doesn't do anything like that!
  20. Bodhi loves mahi mahi and refried beans!
  21. Any advice on getting my grey to eat more fresh produce? She had a brief love affair with edamame but doesn't eat much fresh stuff. She doesn't even like nuts!
  22. Hi, I just weighed Bodhi and she weighs only 396 grams! Last time I weighed her she was a little heavier but that was before she was weaned. When I took her to our local bird shop they all commented how petite she was in general and at our vet visit she was about 417 grams and the vet said she was perfect in weight. I'm glad you asked me! I will now check more often. She is a picky eater like I said before. She is not big on most fruits or nuts! I give her a variety of things and she will always taste them but never shows enthusiasm. I try new things all the time hoping to find something she's excited about. I am sure she is healthy though!
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