Hi All,
I am awaiting on getting my first African Grey! I was looking on the internet to read some facts about Greys, and can across this website.
Anyway, a little on my history if you are wondering... I was raised with Goffin Cockatoos, and swore I would always own one of my own. I found a wonderful breeder whom sold me this Goffin (she was honest and let me know he wasn't the nicest, and did pluck himself) I have had him about 7-8 months now and has all his tail feathers and has most his flight feathers as well. No more plucking! I am still not about to get him out of his cage (due to cage aggression) but I can get him to "Step Up" and pet him down his back, when he is in a generous mood! It has taken some time, and a great deal of patience but well worth it.
I wanted to check this site out because I would love to know tips about bringing an African Grey in, and maybe some cool facts. I know to let him have his space for the first 3-5 days, and then maybe try working with him, however, I have been told he is more prone to liking men then women (and I am a woman) So it makes me a little nervous. Guess we'll wait and see.
Anyway, I appreciate any comments and advise anyone is willing to give!
Thank you,