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Everything posted by munch

  1. Thanks! I was utterly engrossed and mesmorized! So informative, glad someone referred me to its reading. Is there a part 2 somewhere for the later years? Even though I have a baby, I'd love to know and learn more from you!
  2. What irks me are people who talk to too loud and can't modulate the volume of their voice, especially in a small area like a bus or elevator or waiting room or in my comfort zone or way down the hallway but I can still hear them because they are so obnoxiously loud....
  3. munch


    Another question- I'm starting the switch to Harrison's and it says to diet for be 90% Harrison;s and 10% supplements; by that do they mean vitamin/mineral supplements or fruit/veggie supplements? I assumed the latter
  4. Crossfit- thank you for the step by step guide. It's very useful and I will follow your guidelines. Just last night, I was doing a people puzzle abd Took came over to play (which destroyed the puzzle with his flapping wings) but it compliments what you said exactly- he saw what I was playign with and wanted to play as well. Gonna head right over to the nursey section next! Looks like we will be playing and making toys together this weekend! (suppose to snow anyway on Sunday!) Buffy- lol! You had me laughing because I thought the same thing about Took!! That he was not he brightest and the "special" one of his hatchings! Echo and Took do seem a lot alike. Thank you for your post, it was very reassuring. Phew, and funny.
  5. I read went to the parrot enrichement website, great ideas (i can't watch videos at work). and thanks birdnut for more toys ideas that i was clueless about- great ideas. BUT how do i get him to engage? he doesn't play with anything except shred the newspaper and one swing/rope! he also only stands on the top perches, goes down level for food only. even on his playstand, he only stands on the top even when the food bowls are on the lower branches, he won't go near a lower perch or branch. Help! help me expand his horizons and options! How do i get him to change his routine? i turned the playstand in the oppsite direction one day. he flipped out and nearly fell off.
  6. Thanks so much! My vet told there was a site, but he coudldn't rememebr the name! Thank you!!
  7. Hi! I have my little guy, Took, for 2.5 months, he is 6 months now. He doesn't seem too crazy about his toys, I've tried a variety (introduced one at a time, switched after a couple days trying to figure out whats next). He only took to one and loves shredding newspaper. But I wonder how stimulating, entertaining, or challenging shredding paper really is and what more I can do. Looking for advice, ideas, and suggestions on how to keep the super intelligent Grey stimulated and entertained on his own (without a person to encoruage or teach tricks, something he can do by himself during the day when I'm atwork). I'd like something that will encourage and challenge but not overwhelm, scare, or frustrate. I tried hiding food but he didn't seem to realize he was suppose to search for anything. I gave him some hard shelled nuts (walnuts, Brazilian) but he didn;t seem to realize he was suppose to try to crack it open. Is this suppose to happen naturally or am I suppopse to show him? Any ideas for helping a Grey realize their potential? Any ideas for helping him keep engaged and entertained? Thank you!
  8. If you have a 20% coupon from Bed Bath and Beyond, Little Green is even sweeter (you can get one online)
  9. I also have the Bissell Little Green cleaner for stains, but used mostly for dog vomit and accidents. Very happy, best purchase this year. For my birdie's mess that ends up in corners and hard to reach places, I use a Shark handheld (purple one, forgot the model)- very satisified, had to return a Black and Decker and some other. This one is best yet (could be slightly better ie: longer hose/nose attachment). For regular vacuum (meaning whole roooms and large areas), I have a Hoover Progressive cannister which works great but is not bagless (Got it as a shower gift from my sister-in-law who in lucky enough to have a cleaning lady who told my s-i-l that it was the best vacuum she ever used).
  10. Hi everyone. I've read through every post of 4 different threads concerning lighting and greys. I have questions and posting them here because it is by far the most thorough of all lighting threads and perhaps someone else might have similar questions. Which can all be answered in one statement since they are in actuality all the same question. Quesiton 1: danmcq- are you saying that the Philips and the Lumichrome are the only lighting that is sufficient? I found a thread in the Health Room where Dave007 and another where Jayd recommended "regular" full spectrum lighting? And in yet another threadyou recommend "regualr Avian full spectrum... Question 2: Jayd- if you are in this forum, you recommended the Avian Sun Compact-- is that sufficient? Question 3- Is there a recommendation for rentals, those of us who cannot attached ceiling fixtures? And a good one! I don;t want my bird to not have the best I can provide. Danmcq- you said in a different post that you use
  11. Haha-- thanks for the suggestion Spinner! Maybe I'll try my dog's food as well! I did give my dog some pellets and he loved them so I don't know why my bird doesn't! The dog waits by the bird cage to see what Took will throw out. And yes, Took does seem to want whatever I'm eating regardless of what it is. Who knows...maybe I will put some pellets in mouth and try to get him to grab one.
  12. Silly question- does using 100% aloe vera juice leave your bird sticky? Haven't tried it yet, keep thinking spraying juice on a bird- bird gets sticky.
  13. Hi everyone- First, thanks for you patience and help while I try to feed my picky bird. What does your grey think is the tastiest pellet? Which one does he/she love best? You know your greys; you know which pellet they love and which they like and which they tolerate! Not looking for the healthiest at this point, just something my bird will think is delicious and eat! If I missed a previous thread that answers this, please post. I tried to do a search. Michelle (the icon is saying "MMMMM")
  14. Thank you! I've tried the pellet and juice trick, it was a no go. Haven't tried other pellets. I'll do a search for tasiest (i read Harrison is the healthiest but what the tastiest via bird feedback). At this point, I don;t care if isn;t the top shelf of pellets as long as he is eating something during the day. I'll continue with the about an hour rule for cooked food. As for nuts, he only eats cashews. And yes, he wants to eat what I am eating or what my dog is eating. But if i give him the same food he ate with me in a bowl during the day, he doesn;t touch it! Going to look up some easy, fast recipes. Thanks again!
  15. Hi- When I bought the bird, the store owner told me not to leave cooked or soft foods out for over an hour. My Took is a picky eater. Out of the non-cooked food options he doesn't touch the pellets, doesn't any of the fresh vegies, dried and/or fresh fruit. Unless you count throwing on the floor as touching. He only eats red peppers and sunflower seeds for non-cooked foods. He's not gaining weight and seems like he's starving when I get home from work. Cooked food options: he loves eggs, cooked carrots, mashed potatos. Will eat pasta, cooked spinach. I haven't tried more cooked vegetables b/c he seems to be happy with those. He eats a whole egg when I get home work- scrambled or hard boiled. Then snacks on the cooked vegies the rest fo night. What else can I give him that isn;'t cooked while I am at work? Is it ok to leave some cooked food out (not eggs, but the vegetables?)? What does your grey eat while your at work? Thanks, Michelle
  16. Sorry to admit it, but i am envious of all you!! I'm having so much trouble bathing Took. He absolutely hates it. I tried the bowl, the spray, a bath, the sink, and taking him into the shower. nothing works. Now when I bring him into the bathroom while I shower for a bit of humidity, he just stands right in front of the door, facing the door. occasionally looking back at me pleading to open that door and let him escape.
  17. Hmm, good to know. I've been wondering how to improve bath time. Patience may be the answer.
  18. Thanks everyone! It's good to get feedback. Thanks for the confirmation that I'm dong alright by Took and keeping him as happy as he could be while we're at work. I'll try other toys if he doesn't seem to take to the ones in there already. Barbara2- I can only image Took's first in Spanish because of leaving him with Spanish tv or radio!
  19. Of course he has food and water! Two varieties of food, a pellets dish and seed. My goodness. He has two toys but plays with neither. It is a big cage and one side is near the windows for him to look out. I've been leaving the radio on, but sure if its necessary. Isn't quiet time also important? When I get home, the tv or radio is on as well as lots of talk. And yes, as soon as I get home I open the cage. He comes out and stretches. By then I've washed my hands. He come sout and climbs on shoulders and back, we hnag out the rest of the night. His name is Took. He's a Congo grey. The rest of the flock includes my husband, our dog, and often my parents.
  20. Hi! I was wondering what you're grey does while you're at work? I leave before sunrise and the little guy is still sleeping; I open the shades so he can get sunlight. Other than that, any advice on what I should do for him? He's 3-4 months old. Should i leave the radio on? Is it necessary? Does he need toys? When I get home, he starts chirping but other than that, he is slightly fluffed and resting on the perch, almost exactly how I leave him in the morning.
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