That's crazy close to Elwood. He was hatched April 2012, he just turned 5. What did Wendy name her initially? Could it be from the same clutch? I wonder if they're from the same breeding pair. Elwood kinda talks, 2-3 words, but mostly imitates sounds and whistles, loves to whistle. He says hello, used to say how are you, that went away. He said peekaboo for a bit, also went away. I call him a flying puppy, because I play with him like i would a puppy. I can handle him however I like and never get bit, beaked, squeezed a little, never bites. He's used to being carried around like a chicken or baby, where you lean part of their weight against your chest.
I always theorized that fully flighted congos have less motivation to talk. Elwood communicates in a very physical way, he pushes the blunt part of his beak agains my cheek to get my attention, and other subtle things. He really doesn't need to be picked up since he flys to me whenever he wants.