My heart was caught when in a pet store in Maryland where I am there is a yellow-head amazon. Despite it's cage being in the middle of the store the amazon was perfectly content in the middle perch singing a tune and it's name. It's the first time I had ever seen a parrot since 2 years ago. Absolutly buetifull (bad spelling?). So I have a few questions before I contact some breeders, hat questions have you asked? What are things to look for in a good breeder? I am still wondering on exactly how aggressive an amazon gets when he/she hits maturity. What has your experience been with your amazon? Sorry for all the questions but I have been reading many bird books on parrots and am interested in them for a couple of years now. I have never had a parrot before though but I feel up to the task from all of my readings, more than enough to give up on my teflon pan and airconditioner(bad spelling?). Again, thanks and can't wait to joint the family!