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About TeresaAnn

  • Birthday 01/24/1978


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  • Location
    Mansfield, Ohio


  • Interests
    Animals of all sorts

TeresaAnn's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. lol... i love this post i can relate so well.
  2. I have always did this putting seeds in her bowl and taking her with me maybe she was hugry and didnt want to go but she didnt refuse like she has in the past when she refuses to go with me i dont make her go. Yes there has been other changers to our home. Like i have said in a past post we have been having work done in our new. I think I might know what is ticking her off and there is nothing I can do about it now. Is the railing that is on our step was all open and she would go sit and look down however with having work in out home done since our house was built in 1898 they closed the railing in she can no longer sit over there. Our dogs also done this. Other then that there is nothing else new in the room she is in . I wish I would have never let them close that in like that but i was looking out for the best of my pets 1st because, I cought my yorkie just in time one evening as she was going to fall off it. They loved that area Diva and the dogs. So sad now i feel really bad. On a brighter note Diva has biten me anymore and she is actually sitting here with me now singing "i'll fly away" old gospel song. One of our favorite things to do together.
  3. Other then what has happen tonight with the bite and she stand offish this week everything else is the same. shes talking up a storm looks good. doing everything she always does
  4. For that last week Diva has been acting stand offish. Tonight she come out of her cage like always. I walked apast and said hi pretty girl. Then went to make sure she has her seeds for the night and to spend our evening time togather. she stepped up fine and i brought her over here like we always do and i sat her on my chair. i was doing a few things like always and all of a sudden she started jumping at me trying to bite me . she finally got my arm and left me with a good size hole in my arm. I actually had to put a towel over her to get her back to her cage. Any ideas what to do about this or just ignore the behavior? I mean she scream me. She has NEVER done this before. Is it just a mood swing that will pass?
  5. Amanda, I haven't be a grey parront for long. My Diva so dose the mating dance and panting for me also she even trys to spit up on me. When she does this I take her back to her cage and tell her that's a bad girl and ignore her for sometime. She will also come out of her cage walk to me if I am at my computer and do the mating dance for my feet. I just push her away with my foot and ignore her. She gets the picture of me not being interested and moves on to something else. She will also come out of her cage and walk all the way down stairs to find her mama. Her wings aren't clipped but she just don't fly she walks everywhere. Diva will also bite at me if she don't want me to put her down or if I am trying to make her perch somewhere else. When she does this I just also ignore that behavior. Go ahead and perch her where I wanted her to be. If she don't want to be there she can walk back to her cage. Diva is very lovable she loves to sit on me or beside me would all day if i would allow her. I hope the best for u and Tui and pray things get better for all of you.
  6. I have thought of doing something like that also with diva was i was scared she would try to eat the plastic...
  7. Congrats on Talking Timmy...lol... Wait until you are doing something or on the phone with a very important call and Timmy starts going at it and you want him to be quite ...lol...you will think what happen to my cute little quite Timmy... My Ms. Diva talked more and more as the days went by when i 1st got her. I have only had her a few mos. now and she is still coming up with new things and new words I have seen or heard from here before like a few "bad words" every now an then. So Good luck and Congrats again....
  8. My prayers are with you I sure hope you get him back soon and all is ok.
  9. So this past week was a very long one our Grandfather passed away and I was very busy doing things for Grandma. However, the birds didn't get as much attention as normal. So lastnight and today they both have been very nice both our of their cages. No fighting or fussing Diva missed me I can tell. The teil missed me too i beleive even though he don't show it very well. I started doing things for the teil 1st then Diva this seem to have changed things a bit. I hope for the better. No Bites so far today No trying to bite the teil toes off. No dive bombs to Diva. ( maybe they just needed a time out)
  10. Ok update. The two aren't going to be friends I don't beleive. Since my last post Diva has tried her best to just get a hold of the cockatiel. The cockatiel hasn't done anything to Diva. But Diva hates him so badly. The cockatiel will fly over on Divas cage and It don't matter where Diva is she trys her best to get at him. So I might have to place the cockatiel in a different room. Or find him a new home. Diva has also be acting a bit different the last few days. She has bit me several times she don't break the skin or anything just a bite to let me know she is pissed off about something. So the cockatiel might be causing this problem. Maybe she is jealous or just hates the cockatiel being here period. I really hate rehoming animal the poor little guy lost his home he had because of my aunt passing. But I can't have my Diva upset over him being here.
  11. I have also had someone tell me that bird poop is bad. I have said isn't most of anything someone does bad? Better one yet.. A few weeks ago Diva and I were standing in my front door of the house when one of my neighbors walked by and saw us. Knowing this neighbor most of my life he comes up to the door and is talking with me about how sweet and pretty Diva was. As he is walking off he turns to me and said " You know they say people who have birds get cancer right?" my reply was breathing this air we breath can cause just about anything now days. He didn't say another word and walked away. That for some reason just really ticked me off.
  12. Kaleah I also haven't had my Diva very long i was also having the same problem. I come on here with it too. I found out just ingoring her when she does this best. Like Judy also told me that just say thank you and walk away. I also stopped letting her sit on my shoulder for having that same problem when she is on my body i allow her to sit on my chest and my arms and hands only. She hasnt done it for a long time now.
  13. well i have been here in the same room with them for a couple hours doing work on the computer.So far so good. Diva is on her cage and eating some seeds and the cockatiel is sitting on his cage doing the same Diva did go over to her cage and check her out a little bit but the cockatiel flew away and Diva said Hey hey hey. haha which i thought was very funny. No fighting as of yet no bad words spoken *keeping my fingers crossed*.
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