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Ray P

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Everything posted by Ray P

  1. At least he got to fly a little and that is good. Corky was able to fledge before they gave her a light clip.
  2. Hi Nancy Some times the hard decision takes a lot out of you and us. Sometimes support comes from many places, like friends, family and this forum. And sometimes support comes from people and members that you don`t expect it from like members that may not always agree with you or members you may not always agree with. We all stand on the same platform and some times that platform is a little rocky, but we all cling to it because it`s our common ground and from time to time we have been in your shoes.
  3. The day you were waiting for is here.
  4. You can tell he has the devil in his eye.
  5. It all depends who is doing the adjustment to whom.
  6. I think all our greys have an eagle attitude.
  7. Toes are a place of adventure. Great pictures
  8. The toos know how to do it.
  9. They seam to know and understand and the longer I have Corky the more I seam to know and understand.
  10. Hi fastcar and welcome to you and your new companion Thor to the grey forum. And we love pictures.
  11. Ray P

    Neytiri update

    Great news and great report.
  12. Ray P


    Willie is my 22 year old + cockatiel who has been with us all his life. My wife and I were just talking the other day about how we have had cockatiels in our life for over 41 years and that Willie has been with us for over 1/2 those years. How we got Willie. One day I was at a F.W Woolworth store picking up some things for the wife and I stopped by the pet section like I always did. At that time we had 5 cockatiels so I was not there to buy one. (just look) There was this young male that came over to me and it let me scratch his head. At that point in time a lady came over and said, It`s to bad that every bird in that cage will be dead in six months and than she walked away. That little tiel came home me and I had to explain to the wife why we needed another cockatiel Well that little cockatiel lasted longer than six months and my wife loves that tiel more than you will ever know. We just lost a sweet pied tiel back about a month or two that was only 8 years old and with Willies age we know that the time is coming when our house may no longer have a cockatiel in it unless we get one soon.
  13. And when they start. The fun begins.
  14. From reading all that I think she must live with a grey.
  15. Hay Dee . Out of all the members on this forum, you are the one that really knows and understands grey time. We all will come to you to set our watch.
  16. Hi Janelle, Roger and Elliot. Welcome to the grey forum. I loved your intro and you sound like a care giver that's is going to do very well in living with a grey. 28 years with a macaw shows your dedication to your birds and you should be an awesome grey parent. Many grey forum members live with more than one parrot species and they love them all and find a way to make their life work with all their birds. As for Rogers past, you made right for him and that`s what counts
  17. Corky is my 12 year old+ CAG and has been with us all her life and yes she knows her name along with some other choice names. Cricket is my 17+ year old BFA who has been with us for four + years knows her name. And than there is Willie my 22 year old cockatiel who has been with us all his life and boy dose he know his name. All three talk and say their names along with many many other words and names.
  18. Dan and Janet have given you some great advice. If you have made a decision, and want a TAG, than I would say stick with it. Both the TAG and CAG are great greys.
  19. Shelby look great and so dose Briu. I had lovebirds many years ago and they were great. Loved the pictures.
  20. Happy hatchday Josey, and may you have many many more, each one better, than the one before.
  21. Hi Mary and Shelby, Welcome to the grey forum. You have just started on an adventure of your life. We love pictures and if you have any questions , Just ask.
  22. Ray P

    Alfie says

    You mean you left half a pomegranate alone with a grey !!! Bet that will never happen again !!
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